Trump puts Nazi soldiers on campaign graphic

So Trump’s promise is just to send generic troops marching towards the White House, not specifically Nazi troops. OK, no problem.

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Being paid to host someone prepared to be Trump’s intern wouldn’t be getting your money’s worth…

This was the puzzling part:

That is, Team Trump is not claiming that the intern shlepped a stock image of marching soldiers to incorporate in the flag (not realising that they were the wrong side). Team Trump is claiming that someone else inserted marching Waffen-SS troops into a US flag, and put the combination somewhere where the intern found it to further modify with Trump’s own brand.
If this is true, the original Stars + Stripes + SS stock-photo should be easy to find, no?

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Actually, the “outrage” is that a lowly intern was blamed and fired for a mistake that a bunch of allegedly responsible people made. It speaks to how the candidate might treat the vulnerable citizens of this country should he be elected. The candidate, however, is too incompetent to understand how a fuck-up response like this plays out in the media and in the minds of voters.


up where? (lol)


I agree, but I bet you won’t find it.

Good point. I overlooked the fact that they might not even be interns or even volunteers, but simply the cheapest/fastest/etc. (photo)shop on the block.

Maybe it was an assignment from “The Apprentice”?


And it’s Macy’s that buys/orders the shirts. Donald just has a contract to pick what styles he likes and put his brand on them.

It’s like Air Jordans.

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Okay, great. The old “intern” excuse. I’m supposed to support a guy who has idiotic interns running his campaign to run this country?


Sure. And per his contract he could chose to pick styles that were made in America to, you know, put the US back in business.

But he didn’t.

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