Trump rants on Twitter about "$4bn" Air Force One replacement

Ah, so the plane itself is only $282 million. That seems reasonable compared to the numbers I found on wiki.

Still seems crazy high, but eh, fancy shit isn’t cheap.

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My Dad worked for defense contractors.He once opined that certain programs ended up as “full employment” programs-- as in, “we’re not going to pay for 29 attack submarines. Instead, we’re going to buy three, because closing Electric Boat would cripple our ability to build submarines, should we actually need to do so in the future.”

Does that include the TruCoat?


From his past history, perhaps he’ll offshore the job to China?


It’s called PORK.

Politicians have been using that crap to create jobs for a long time. Create government funded jobs get (re) elected. Thinking, Hell!, the US taxpayers will pick up the tab! What me worry?

John Murtha of Pa was the King of Pork:

As for John McCain bitching about Boeing. I am not so sure what he is thinking. Boeing makes Apache helicopters there. Something smells. Money is on McCain wanting the AF1 plane built in Az not Wa… It’s not about that the plane is too expensive it’s about in which state it will be built in for “cheaper”.

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Yeah, that’s the reality, so why is Cheeto Mussolini objecting to this? There are two possible reasons: being outraged makes it look like he’s tough on government spending, while not actually having to do anything that would impact him (and leaving a mess for the next president, potentially), or this becomes an excuse, aimed at low-information voters, to justify turning Trump’s airplane into Air Force One (at great expense), so he can keep the plane, even though it has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Because that’s how he operates.

That’s just the cost of the police manpower New York is using to protect Trump Tower. The secret service cost is going to be bigger and more variable. First of all, they’re refitting his tower with special protective glass, revamping its systems to protect against radiological and biological attacks, rockets, etc., adding secure communications systems, etc, which is going to cost quite a bit. There’s the security cost to secure the route Trump takes from his apartment in his tower to his office, because they’re many floors apart and the intervening floors are full of tenants; Trump going to his office is equivalent to an outside trip in terms of logistics and cost. Then there’s the cost of reimbursing Trump for the space they’ll need to take in Trump tower (it’s a legal requirement), at market costs, and the cost of the hypothetical plane tickets every time they fly with him on his jet, etc. ($1.6 million just for the time on the campaign.) Then there’s the massive manpower cost of any trips Trump takes out of Washington, especially if they’re going to a major metropolitan area like, say, New York. The airport gets shut down, routes blocked off, etc. We’re talking millions and millions - and if he’s doing this every weekend… then there’s any trips to his other properties, all of which need to be similarly secured and upgraded if he’s going to spend any time there. Trump is going to be, far and away, the most expensive president in US history.



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It is a calculated distraction from the fact that he wants to build up the US Navy in a massive way:

The Great Orange Fleet! BILLIONS of dollars! Gold plated.

Look people, ALWAYS look behind the curtain every time Trump opens his fart hole of a mouth. Because there will ALWAYS be something else going on that he doesn’t want you to see.


The knowhow required to build stealthy submarines does not exist on the open market.

Yes and lets keep it that way

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Captain Ramius, eat your heart out!


JFC. First of all, he’s probably not going to be flying on them since they wouldn’t enter service until the end of his [shudder] second term. More importantly, they’re not his planes, they’re the property of the United States government.

I can see Trump saying something that dumb since he knows nothing about governance, but these are two senior Senators fer chrissakes. They really ought to know better.


Boeing later reported that they refused Trump’s request for a sex dungeon on the current planes and Trump started throwing things around the room and promised retaliation.


You thought your stealing of office supplies was bad…

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I’m paying taxes to protect the guy that was too smart to pay any.


I’m sure that Donald will be using his Southwest points because he’s for us, you guys. :neutral_face:


Plus, even if the refitting were done to his plane at taxpayer expense, he’d charge the taxpayers for using his plane, just like he did during the campaign when he charged us for the seats used by his secret service detail. The big jerk. He really is the only presidential candidate to ever make money on the campaign trail.


He might still have Boeing stock. He said he sold all his stock but offers no proof of sale.


or d) “someone” was making a little bank on some hot hot insider trading action

Right, but it’s unlikely Obama was using the cancellation for a spot of grifting.

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