Trump reposts threatening video; media shrugs

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Put him away, put him away, put him away now!


The problem began when the “media” began covering this fascist in the first place. By giving him airtime and failing to criticize (let alone condemn) him, they implicitly endorsed his ideas as legitimate opinions. Even today they’re reluctant to admit the emperor has no clothes.


The publishers are billionaires who know the mega-rich will be safe, and many of their employees in the national press are Ivy League fascists, dreaming of marching with their beloved Dapper Nazis.


No, they will not. Not for long.


“A hungry mob is an angry mob.”


The powerful will find some way to remove any other players from the game who pose the slightest threat. Even if you line up behind the dictator, any oligarch with resources needs to be dealt with.


It’s not that he has no clothes - far from it. He is overtly clothed in something akin to the kind of pompous fascist authoritarian military uniform of the sort worn by the likes of Mussolini, Gaddafi, and others of that ilk.

But the Emperor’s new uniform cannot be seen by the dumb media, and they cannot hear all the little boys saying “But …”


Or, as many German industrialists found out, once you put Nazis in power, why do they need you? Your money? They can take that, and all your influential friends disappeared into the night and fog.


Exactly. For all their diplomas from expensive schools, a lot of the (often self-described) financial elites are incapable of grasping that the fundamental principle of populism of any variety is that it’s opposed to the elites.

Calling in right-wing populists (AKA fascists)to preserve one’s nice little racket and lifestyle from the threat of left-wing populists won’t work out well, especially since that supposed threat from “soshulists” is currently negligible in the U.S.

The intellectual elites in the corporate media are even more foolish in downplaying MAGA thuggery. Unlike the billionaires he says he’s supporting, he’s made it clear he’s gunning for them. They need this quote posted on their desks for everyday reference:


Just for clarification… what does is mean to be half a blowjob?

One of the terrible things is that the media needs a circus to generate engagement and thus advertising revenue. So there’s this act, and act that has so many players, that it’s near impossible to call out and explain all what they are doing at any one time. There is no time or impetus to even go back and say, “Look at that” because it happened seconds ago. This particular set of performers hears the audience, and takes any sound as encouragement, sounds of shock and fear have the same weight as adulation, and they play to the audience and the narrator, who highlights what the audience is most interested in, and the cycle repeats.

It is a media ouroboros, and it is no small fear that it will consumer its self and take us with it to oblivion.


he doesn’t see people, doesn’t see friends or relatives. He sees only opportunities that sing adoration for himself, or money for himself. Thats the end of his universe. A black hole of the Id. For all the MAGAt’s claiming to be martyrs being victimized by the media how do they explain the pass he gets when he’s promising whole groups of Americans that he intends to get them, wipe them out because they don’t throw enough praise and money his way. He’s promised to eradicate great swathes of his enemies just as Netanyahu does, as Putin, as Xi Jining, as Kim, as Orban. These are his mentors; he intends to join their ranks, yet our media continues to give him nonstop coverage. He will stand over the remains of America with bloody little hands counting the money he makes and our media, if we have any left, will quote every utterance every fart that emanates from him.


I read that as Diaper Nazis…


That would be Trump himself.

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Suppose an emperor was persuaded to wear a new suit of clothes whose material was so fine that, to the common eye, the clothes weren’t there. And suppose a little boy pointed out this fact in a loud clear voice . . .

Then you have The Story Of The Emperor Who Had No Clothes.

But if you knew a bit more, it would be The Story Of The Boy Who Got A Well-Deserved Thrashing From His Dad For Being Rude To Royalty, And Was Locked Up.

Or The Story Of The Whole Crowd That Was Rounded Up By The Guards And Told “This Didn’t Happen, Okay? Does Anyone Want To Argue?”

Or it could be a story of how a whole kingdom suddenly saw the benefits of the “new clothes,” and developed an enthusiasm for healthy sports in a lively and refreshing atmosphere that gets many new adherents every year, which led to a recession caused by the collapse of the conventional clothing industry.

It could even be a story about The Great Pneumonia Epidemic of '09.

It all depends on how much you know.

Thief of Time - Terry Pratchett


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