He doesn’t wear gloves or wash his hands when he grabs random women in public, so calling bullshit.
The best response to Trump’s all-caps Tweet was the one from his own son nine years ago.
Why is Donald Trump Jr. calling his dad a liar? This is hit journalism at its worst!
That’s because nobody loves women more that he does. They are sacred to him.
almost said that with a straight face
Though now that you mention it, that tic tacs thing is kind of weird.
i think you missed the best part…
finally! we know his plan for handling climate change. pure gold.
Actually, uh, nevermind about the germaphobe thing. Yet again, every single thing he says is something he’s said the opposite of in the last few years.
A pathological liar as the president? What could possibly go wrong!
I think he still needs to work to beat Rob Ford for awkward refutations:
Oh, and the last thing was Olivia Gondak, that says that I wanted to eat her pussy. I’ve never said that in my life to her. I would never do that. I’m happily married. I’ve got more than enough to eat at home.
The CIA was alluded to or mentioned in a few articles I read. That they had the document, not that they made it. Though I may have misread it, or they had misinformation.
Eh - patience and distance would be to ignore it. With out more to go on, this is tabloid trash, right up there with the stories about Obama doing coke and having gay sex.
But of course they HAVE to say SOMETHING, even if it is with a healthy dose of “unverified” and “rumors swirling” language. The sort of language that either leads you to believe that it is total shit or, “Yeah, wink, wink, unverified. I got ya!”
Or worse, they say nothing, the other guy say something, and then they have been scooped. Or even worse, they say nothing and are accused of being Trump sympathizers.
Denzel Washington I think had a good realization. You don’t need to be true anymore, just to be first.
Trump-Pence 2020: What else could possibly go wrong?!?
If you ever stay at a Drumpf Hotel, don’t forget that there are probably cameras in your room:
I am extremely careful. I’m surrounded by bodyguards. I’m surrounded by people.And I always tell them — anywhere, but I always tell them if I’m leaving this country, “Be very careful, because in your hotel rooms and no matter where you go, you’re gonna probably have cameras.” I’m not referring just to Russia, but I would certainly put them in that category.
And number one, “I hope you’re gonna be good anyway. But in those rooms, you have cameras in the strangest places. Cameras that are so small with modern technology, you can’t see them and you won’t know. You better be careful, or you’ll be watching yourself on nightly television.”
Oh yeah, Rob Ford. Whatever happened to that guy?
DailyKos reports multiple sources and solid confidence in the veracity of these claims being reported by the BBC.
After all, it already has!
Did he die!? Should we start a thread?
“But it is viewed as credible by the CIA, and that’s why it landed on President Obama’s desk last week, on the desk of the congressional leadership, and was given to Mr. Trump as well. And even congressional Republicans are talking about investigations, and Democrats, I know, are talking about impeachment.”
2 things:
All of everyone in the federal government lies to Congress, and Congress lies back to them. That’s a big part of how we got to where we are. Remember all the lies they told Congress about WMDs to get Congressional support for the Iraq invasion? The craziest part is that they actually did find WMDs and they kept that a secret, too.
I’m not saying it’s fake news. I believe it’s probably true. In fact, I believe we lack the imagination to invent something awful that Trump hasn’t done. I’m just saying that none of that matters. If Trump begins performing abortions in the Oval Office, his supporters will not find that in conflict with any of their ideals, though they and he will remain vocally anti-abortion. Did he not Tweet this very day about how the intelligence agencies are wrong about the Russian hacking, then give a speech where he acknowledged that it happened?
Seems to be a common right-wing reflex. Somebody says something bad about your guy, you say the exact same thing about their guy whether it makes any sense or not.
“Oh, GWB is an bad public speaker? Well, Obama is a bad public speaker! Look, he uses teleprompters!”
“We’re racists? Liberals are the real racists!”
“I’m projecting? No, you’re projecting!”
It’s kindergarten-level debate tactics.
Psychological projection is a little more insidious, I think.