Trump said to Bob Woodward he intentionally downplayed coronavirus threat

It’s been him all along…

Punk Ass Narcissist Idiot Con


From what they said on CNN, Trump called Woodward almost 20 times just out of the blue to chat. Some real Frost/Nixon shit here, except without Trump being able to use “drunk dialing” as an excuse.

Trump only wants to create panic for things that clearly don’t really matter and that he can easily control. He obviously understood the dangers of COVID-19 early on and made a choice to do nothing about it because he knew he couldn’t control it. Instead he relied on the power of positive thinking, and killed 200000 Americans and permanently altered the lives of 6 million others (so far) as a result.


Hmmm…I wonder if there are any vitamin supplements that might make someone a bit talky and less inhibited?


He really must believe that people think the same of him as he thinks of himself. Thank the gods for his level of self-delusion. It’s the mechanism that keeps the admissions rolling moments after the crime.


Will it be enough for anyone in power to punish him? For his supporters to turn on him? Will anything, ever? I think we already know the answer.


Nothing is infinite, dude; there’s a limit to everything.

Don’t give into defeat so soon; we’re not nearly done fighting yet.


Outliving your enemies counts as a win.


Even this whole “I intentionally downplayed the coronavirus” is a bit of a dodge intended to make Trump look good. The reality of Trump failing to respond is probably more likely that Trump, the germaphobe, didn’t even want to think about or deal with the pandemic, so he didn’t. I mean, obviously he also downplayed it in public so he wouldn’t look bad for not dealing with it, but “I didn’t want to panic people” doesn’t explain the lack of action by his administration.

There’s this baked-in notion in the US that you don’t prosecute former officials, especially the president and his staff, because it’s a bad look for a democracy. They’re really going to need to get over that in this case, or the country’s going to be totally fucked in the future - people just can’t get away with this kind of horrendous shit.


That’s not the only reason. Nobody at the top levels of government really wants to set the precedent where people in their position can be held criminally accountable for their actions once the opposing party retakes the office.


I don’t buy it. There are too many weasel words, and while there might have been a report of an emerging disease, nobody saw this coming in November. Even to get rid of Trump I would not agree with this narrative.


Imagine being a Trump supporter who has backed him through this entire thing despite getting sick themselves, or knowing someone else who got sick or maybe even died. Then imagine finding out he knew the whole time how bad this was and chose to handwave it away. If this doesn’t make some of his supporters at least stay home on election day, I don’t know what will.

If only he had the power of the federal government at his disposal to do the thinking for him! If only there was a department of government dedicated to public health. If only there was a department of government dedicated to the study and prevention of infectious diseases. If only there was a department of government dedicated to public health research. If only! (If only these things didn’t have so much of their budgets slashed over the past 3 years as well, right?)

Like the world’s shittiest boss he seems so determined to micromanage every little thing because clearly he knows everything and he’s the smartest guy in the room. Always. Without fail. So he can’t actually delegate anything to anybody without giving it his personal stamp and as a result nothing gets done, or nothing gets done well because of constant meddling and sabotage. To all the people who love Trump because “we need a businessman”, this is why it’s a bad idea. Running a country is not like running the family business.


In November, the National Center for Medical Intelligence warned that the new contagion in China “could be a cataclysmic event”.


Yeah, it does.


I haven’t given up hope on voting him out, or a few other possibilities, but it’s frustrating that right now, Trump is above the law and all anyone can or will do is sternly shake a finger at him while his followers laugh as he murders us (and them!) by the dozens.


Maybe if they didn’t act like assholes…


I’m sorry. That was stupid of me.


I don’t think it will affect very many of them. Certainly no-one in the Know-Nothing 27% base, who’d probably beat themselves up for getting sick and making their Dear Leader look bad.


Try being Black or a woman sometime; if you wanna truly know what frustration is - that’s an emotion that never really leaves us.

And it’s okay to feel that way… as long as you act on it in a manner that isn’t negative, including your words.

Fight like hell.


Will it piss off and invigorate and enrage the loyal opposition? You bet your ass. Will it affect his base? I suspect many of them are so deep in the bubble they will never even hear about this. So, no, probably not. Thing is, we don’t need them. We are the majority and they can only screw us over if we are not taking action to counter them. We need to take that action.


Lying shitweasel loves to deflect