Trump says '1917 pandemic' ended Second World War (nope, Spanish Flu was in 1918, before WWII)

Trump has tertiary syphilis. The man literally has holes rotted through his brain. It explains both his painfully obvious stupidity and his walk down that West Point ramp. Loss of motor control in the lower legs is a characteristic sign of untreated syphilis. Too many years of thinking that having unprotected sex with hookers made him “manly”.

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Trump is the best American President that Russia ever had.

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And this less than a week after the 75th anniversary of the use of the atomic bomb…you’d think he would have some lingering context for his remarks

Those years were his personal Second World War.


My best guess is that he saw this movie poster somewhere and just figured he could wing it from there:

  • “Guy on a battlefield… must be WWII because that’s the war they made all those movies about (…wait, Vietnam? No, I wasn’t old enough to dodge the draft yet in 1917)“
  • “Title is a year… must be the year we won the war?“
  • “Didn’t one of those nerds who is always rambling on about pandemics say something about a flu killing soldiers? This must have been that.“

I’m not even joking.


Surely penicillin has made that a thing from the past, especially for someone with decent access to a doctor. As much as I’d like to blame his idiocy on a sexual transmission, the more likely cause is a profound lack of curiosity and obstinate ignorance.


What an idiot. Everyone knows that we won WWI due to taking over the airfields in 1775, allowing us to gain air superiority.


I’m sure he asked Putin when WW1 ended. That’s all the evidence he needs.

I totally forgot that Trump’s own grandfather died in the 1918 flu pandemic. Just one more reason Trump’s continued ignorance on this topic is so mind-boggling.


All throughout this pandemic, I’m aghast by what we have NOT learned from 100 years ago. I mean seriously… MASKS… fraking MASKS… the lowest tech solution you could possibly have imagined to mitigate this problem were not only unavailable, but it was freely debatable IF they even work. I mean for fucks sake, our own government said “don’t wear masks for the first month or so. WTF?!

A massive stockpile of relatively cheap masks, that were handed out in a “pandemic kit” on “day one” to every citizen with basic info on when, where and why to wear them and a federal mandate that they be worn, would have clarified and simplified everything so much that ventilators, lock downs, relief bills and other measures most likely would not have been so desperately needed or drastic.

We would not have needed extra resources like extra hospital rooms, beds and ventilators. We would not have had to lock down for so long or needed such a large bailout (which by some estimates at this point can’t be “large enough” and will fail no matter how much we throw at the economy).

A simple pack of god damned cotton masks would have saved us soooo much aggravation, confusion, anguish and money. It’s laughable that we couldn’t even use 19th century tech reliably or learn mistakes from 100 years ago.

Edits: for typos, spelling and some phrasing changes for better clarity.


Wow. Talk about irony. Sheesh.

As Bruce Wayne replied when Barry Allen asked him what his superpower was: “I’m rich.” In Trump’s case, “I was born rich.” That excuses a very, very great deal.


Yeah, of course…editing

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