Trump says he's ending U.S. relationship with WHO, president is promptly trashed by AMA

Pretty sure the Royal Navy would pass on any involvement with Angry Tinkerbell and his brain dead supporters.

Thank you for that! I’m keeping that quote for future use, made me laugh out loud. :rofl:


Happy to read he gets “a taste of his own medicine.” He’s an overage USENET troll.

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While most of this thread is concerning the US president, I am very much more worried about the rest of the world in this case. The US does provide a lot of knowledge, infrastructure, and yes: money to the WHO.

Loosing any of that during a pandemic will mostly affect other countries. Smaller ones. Poorer ones.

This is bad on a scale I cannot actually grasp.


I can appreciate why. Among the few times shipmates and myself were secured from liberty were when there was an outbreak somewhere, often a small, impoverished Island, village, town, or province where people would get sick and die by the hundreds and thousands. There’s no telling how many scores of the impoverished died from outbreaks in the shanties and slums of the Philippines and Marshall Islands.

All part of the overarching plan.

EDIT: pic format (crop)


By the way, every void this dumb fuck leaves in international relations is promptly filled by the Chinese. Trump is giving them bargain after bargain for world influence and soft power.

Meanwhile, the EU itself is also too stupid and paralyzed to take advantage of this opportunity. We all better get used to a new Chinese led world. Hopefully we can manage the transition without a huge war.


Would you equally excuse medical staff working at facilities that locked up immigrant children forcibly taken from their parents, because hey, at least they have medical care, otherwise it would be worse?

Yes, I would. Quit and they risk being replaced by someone worse.

What about the medical staff who administer the drug cocktails that kill death row inmates?

I don’t think we should use capital punishment, but because we do at this time, it should be done by pros to prevent suffering.

I happen to think certain ethical stances need to be taken, even if the short term consequences are painful.

An easy ethical stance to take while those actually enduring the painful short term consequences aren’t you or yours. Take care.


Is this the point where I once again mention that the Nuremberg laws were drafted by a career civil servant who stayed in office because he thought that doing so would help limit Nazi abuses?

If you are confronted with two evils, thus the argument runs, it is your duty to opt for the lesser one, whereas it is irresponsible to refuse to choose altogether. Those who denounce the moral fallacy of this argument are usually accused of a germ-proof moralism which is alien to political circumstances, of being unwilling to dirty their hands.

Politically, the weakness of the argument has always been that those who choose the lesser evil forget very quickly that they chose evil.

— Hannah Arendt


This. The key thing to remember is that Trump is as much symptom as he is problem. He’s also been an incredibly useful idiot to Mitch McConnell, who has been quietly destroying the judicial system the entire time we’re all gawking at the ridiculous tweeting of a fool. I have doubts the institutional damage done to the US (starting with Citizens United) will ever be undone.


I’m not sure if that would conflict with the Treaty Clause of the US Constitution. I’m sure Trump’s Miniluv (led by William Barr) would argue it does.

However, there’s nothing AFAIK preventing say Massachusetts General Hospital (a private corporation) from coordinating with the WHO and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts coordinating with MGH (which is located in Massachusetts and so under the Commonwealth’s jurisdiction.)


That’s a false equivalence. Fauci is actively saving human lives by guiding policy to protect people from the pandemic. There’s no lesser evil there. And he’s been doing it since before Trump; when we get rid of Trump, I hope that Fauci will still be there.


Are you aware of specific positive actions taken by the Trump administration with regard to the Federal Covid-19 response that were adopted because of Fauci? What were they? I have seen nothing positive in the Federal response – it has been the worst in the world, certainly among developed nations, outside of maaaybe Sweden? That is what Fauci in his role has brought us. I would rather he step down and immediately work against the reelection of Trump, personally.

And the maga wonks are already congratulating trump for the move. Claiming WHO is a china backed anti american group that are in bed with libtard democrats who seek to undermine republican attempts at saving america.

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