Trump says shutdown may continue “a long time”

If he does, eventually the Senate Republicans might panic and override his veto.


Thanks. I was afraid of that. Bummer.

(Not enough that I bothered to look it up last week like I should have. But, enough to ask here. Thanks for the answer.)

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He’s the kid who smashes other kids’ toys when he can’t get his own way


Heck, he’s the kid who smashes other kids’ toys even when he DOES get his own way.


And you couldn’t ask Stormy Daniels for a comment?


Of course it’s a threat. The right’s obsession with government shut downs has always been a threat. They openly threaten to shut down the government and blame it on the Dems to get whatever thing they’re waving at the base. Used to be repealing Obamacare, and the defecit. Now it’s the wall.

Trump is just too dim to make it work. A conservative family member with a government job spent 45 minutes complaining to me about “the 6 times Obama shut down the government that noone talks about”. BUT, he wasn’t buying that it was anyone but Trump’s fault this go round.

An extension is a delay in filing paperwork, not in payment. Any person or business that owes taxes is still required to pay that bill on tax day.

Doesn’t matter much if you expect a return but it’s a problem for businesses and anyone who expects a bill. Without finished forms it can be difficult to estimate what will be owed for a payment. And with the IRS not operating there’s noone to ask.

Usual approach is to use the preliminary, non final forms to file or set a payment with the extension. Then amend the filing when final forms are out. But if the forms aren’t in a state to be used, or the IRS isn’t operating to distribute them. That’s a mess right there, you can prep based on the previous years forms, and published details of the new tax code. But you can’t really file that. Over or underpaying the tax bill causes issues.

Something similar happened in the last series of shutdowns and the sequester. I was working for an accountant at the time, certain tax forms for one of those years were only completed weeks before tax day. It caused a lot of trouble. Lots of extra work for us, lots of delayed returns. Lots of amended returns and extensions that clients had to pay extra for. Bunch of added expense to my boss who wanted to avoid gauging his client base. And that was with an operating IRS, and published preliminary forms.


You know Trump, he needs to have the biggest and best-est of everything, so not only will this be the biggest shutdown, it will be the best shutdown. Ever.

Personally I think this is the “best” shutdown, so he’s got a ways to go.

Shut down in the depths I lay…
If you want nothin’ then I’ve got nothin’
I’m your annihilation man
Lemme get control


“it could last a long time.”…“We’ll just have to see…” How much of that it tough negotiation threat, how much of it is reality TV “tune in tomorrow”-ism, and how much of it is idiot man-child that has lost the thread of the conversation and is just pretending to understand what is going on?


It’s most certainly making for some excellent campaign-ad footage for literally any Democrat.
“I love shutdowns!” “I’m not going to blame the Democrats.” “This is my shutdown that I will own.”
“This is the fault of the Democrats! All 800,000 furloughed workers are my enemy anyway.”


Maybe Trump is the Rocket Man?

And I think it’s gonna be a long long time
'Till touch down brings me round again to find
I’m not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I’m a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone


The Dow was up around 60 pts when he said it, now up 32.

I have no doubt that the *resident’s brand of chaos “leadership” is bad for any kind of business that needs to make judgments about the future to thrive (like, pretty much all of them).

Regardless, I wish we could stop using stock market derivatives as proxies for “the economic outlook.” The expected profitability of (say) General Electric over the next few months doesn’t have very much to do with the economic prospects of the average American household anymore. Maybe it never did.

I guess what we need is a substitute. There, I am stumped.



I figure the House will pass a bill to reopen the government tomorrow, just after the new members are sworn in. It’ll be based on the Senate’s resolution passed at the end of 2018. This resolution didn’t include any money for THE WALL.

At that point, either the Senate will pass it again and send it to Trump – or the Senate will not pass it, which makes the whole thing belong to Mitch McConnell. With any luck, this leads to Mitch getting stuck in a festering Park Service restroom where he drowns in a lake of feces.

If passed, I’m not sure if Trump will pass it or veto it. If he vetoes it, he doesn’t get to pretend it’s not his Personal Preferred Shutdown, which increases the pressure on him, hopefully.


Heck, I don’t think that the stock market price for shares of General Electric has a strong correlation to the expected profitability of General Electric. Random noise seems to dominate short term stock gyrations.


Impeach him, convict him, and throw him out.

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The Guardian agrees:


The Senate is still in Republican hands, and it may be a few generations before Democrats hold two-thirds of that body, so a conviction is likely impossible.

Because this is a new Congress, the bill has to start over. The only time limit is the 2-year congressional session.

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They know full well this won’t pass the Senate or Trump’s desk, but since his entire basis of laying blame on the Dems is that they “won’t come up with a solution”, they’re separating the wall money from a bill keeping the government running, thus making Mitch McConnell and Trump explicitly responsible for rejecting a working solution.


I know Mueller and his team continue to work during the Trump Shutdown but the courts are closed right?

so there’s even more hidden obstruction in this and may be on purpose or seen as a “bonus” delay