Trump says shutdown may continue “a long time”

Lucky for him the Secret Service budget is probably secured through later in 2019 (as are other departments). Otherwise, he’d sign what ever real quick.


In the federal judiciary, most civil cases are getting postponements, while work on criminal cases continues using alternate funds. Immigration courts and the US Tax Court are closed.


well, it does, but not in the way it should.

capitalism. always the same shit.

i realize it is difficult to consider 45 as having a well thought out strategy (i picture heath ledger saying “do i really look like a guy with a plan?”) but what i find most scary about this situation is that for near on 40 years the republican party has been working the theme of the incompetence of government, the inability of government to solve problems, and the wastefulness of government programs that are unneeded. at this point we have been through two cycles of republicans doing their best to undo government to the point that it does not function followed by two cycles of democrats doing their level best to set things right.

now we have a republican in the presidency who hasn’t filled hundreds of undersecretary and assistant director positions with budgets appropriated of hundreds of billions of dollars and many of the executive positions he’s filled or nominated have been filled with people that have no experience in the areas over which they now administer. it could be that 45 really doesn’t care about ending the shutdown because the longer it goes on, the more it undermines the credibility of government as a whole–and that’s alright to him. in the end, he may get exactly what he wants–a ridiculous boondoggle called “the wall” because the democratic party will always care more about the quality of the government and its services than the naked id in the white house and they will be incapable of outwaiting a man who has nothing to lose.


The problem we’re facing is that, as well as being a narcissist, Trump is a sadist. He enjoys inflicting pain.

Plus, he’s captivated by the idea that these government workers he’s harming are all Democrats.

I hate this timeline.


They are required to work (no furlough) but do not actually get paid until the shutdown ends.


Still, I bet the sense of obligation to put one’s body between the President and a bullet diminishes pretty rapidly when you’re not bringing home a paycheck.

Agent 1: I think that guy’s got a gun.
Agent 2: Huh.
Agent 1: I guess one of us should do something.
Agent 2: Yeah, probably.


That seems a rather mercenary attitude. I hope they see their duty as protecting the office, not whoever happens to occupy it.

I don’t want Trump assassinated but if anyone poses a threat to “the office” it’s him.


What you call “impossible” is possible. The unlikely is merely something to overcome.


It’s not his shutdown - belongs to his supporters. Trump just rightfully fears them.

And any Congress which can meekly surrender their exclusive war making authority to someone like George Bush er Cheney will eventually cave for real national defense.

If Nancy and Schumer had half a brain between them, they’d demand real health care as the price. But they are more motivated in continuing the Democrat’s wasting disease.

If Trump were a real Andrew Jackson instead of himself - can you imagine how much could be fixed? Permanently.

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He obviously meant Andrew Johnson.


You mean via genocide? That’s the kind of competency I’m glad Trump lacks.


That’s sure how it comes across when reading the comment.



he might see extending it as a way to delay the russia investigation

3-4 months for Russia to get Alaska back.


If they weren’t Democrats before this, they are stupid not to become Democrats now.


If they were protecting the office they would have already let him get eaten by a gator in mar a lago. The office is basically ruined because of him now.


Uh, we could have a second Trail of Tears, for Latino Americans this time?


Well, yuuuge real estate deals are his thing.
And the commission should be neat and tidy.

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