Trump speaks to Vladimir Putin of Russia for second time in 2 days

I realize that right now, with COVID-19 playing havoc with our former daily routines, some of these suggestions are harder to do than others… but… well, I’ve done some of the stuff listed here.



Find someone in government or running for public office who you believe is making a positive difference in your area… city, county, province, state. Then lend her/him/them your support. Blockwalk. Phonebank. Register people to vote. I’ve done these–the people you work with (your fellow volunteers) will train you.

You could run for office. Yeah, it’s not something that a lot of us would do as a first option, but:

If you don’t see anyone in your area whose principles align with yours in government, consider finding a local group working to make positive changes to the status quo. Could something as simple as volunteering at your local public library or local literacy program, or Meals on Wheels, or a group that plants trees in your area (and waters them!).

Ask your local librarian for help finding groups, if you are lucky enough to have a local library. Librarians are amazing people and their training makes them the best search engines ever.

If you are still feeling alone, see if there’s some place you can start a community fruit/vegetable garden.

These can bring people together, feed people in a food desert, provide calming greenery and beauty, a place for pollinators, nice smells, and more.

I love what these City Repair people are doing. Inspiring:

PM me if you like; I’m happy to help you dig around for a niche that could welcome willing hands and a willing heart. What are you good at? What gives you energy, as opposed to drains you of it?

Yours in solidarity,
a tired human who has not given up yet
Austin, Texas, USA

ETA: grammar