Trump spokesdroid Stephen Miller had to be removed from studio by CNN security

Self made?!?!?!



You sure he has parents? I always thought people like him form in a sewer like a fungal colony.

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STEP 1: Miller enters the cage.
STEP 2: Tapper locks the door of the cage, walks out of the building without saying a word, and throws the key down a storm drain.


Oh yes. Apparently perfectly nice people that Miller would call “cosmopolitan”.


It’s a legit pronunciation you’d hear in a BBC studio or Windsor Castle but not one you’re going to hear very often from a born-and-bred California boy who went to Samo High and Duke University and never lived anywhere in the Commonwealth. But he wants to show his buddies that he’d be a good Anglo-Saxon, just like them.

Really any liberal Jew like his parents should look upon this arse-licking defender of a casual anti-Semite and fellow-traveller of white supremacists like Richard Spencer and Peter Brimelow as a “shanda fur di goyim” and a kapo. It goes way beyond the already pathetic apologism that some Orthodox Jews engage in on behalf of Il Douche.

It really is jarring even without his being a lickspittle garbage person. I’m in my 40s and look younger than him.


It seems like they have his family at gunpoint somewhere. Only sort of kidding about that. Between this and Steve Bannon’s “I have a big butt, and my butt smells and I like to smell my own butt” apology to Trump, I wonder what’s being said behind closed doors.

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I have a hunch the people holding Bannon hostage are the Mercers, not Trump. Without their financial support Bannon becomes just another Skeksi ranting to himself in an alleyway behind the local 7/11.


There was a little slurring of words going on there too. He may be prescribed something, so I don’t want to pick on Miller, but my opioid abuse radar went off during this interview. I’ve seen him in other interviews before, and he was moving way slower this time. The not leaving, and having to be escorted out, only adds to it.


That’s an insult to owl exterminators everywhere!

He’s always reminded me of Roy Cohn. Physically and behaviorally. Which is why Donny wuvs him.



James Woods?

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Who? Didn’t he used to almost be someone?


That’s an insult to all the Skeksis.


Nope. Doesn’t ring a bell. So - just some asshole septuagenarian then?

Not just ANY asshole.


Woods has stated that he was a member of the Democratic Party up until the impeachment of Bill Clinton, commenting that “every single Democrat without exception stood behind a convicted perjurer. That was the end.”[40]

Woods’s name was in an advertisement in the Los Angeles Times (August 17, 2006) that condemned Hamas and Hezbollah and supported Israel in the 2006 Lebanon War.[41]

Early in the 2016 presidential race, Woods endorsed Carly Fiorina for the Republican nomination.[42] In November 2015, he shifted his endorsement to Senator Ted Cruz.[43]

On illegal immigration, he wrote: “Millions come LEGALLY to USA. Calling Illegal aliens ‘undocumented immigrants’ is like calling heroin dealers ‘undocumented pharmacists’.”[44].

Woods is known for espousing his conservative political views on his Twitter page, which reached one million followers in November 2017.

In August 2017, he expressed his disgust over what he said was the “pathological” hatred which Donald Trump was being subjected to, which was retweeted by Trump.[45]

On November 13, 2017, Woods tweeted a video and caption from Bloomington, Minnesota’s Mall of America that some Twin Cities news organizations found offensive and racist.[46] Some people believed the tweet mocked the Twin Cities’ sizable Somali-American community.


The video of Miller being escorted from CNN is the video we all want to see.


Oh - this guy. image


And the crowd goes wild!

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Now interview the empty chair!

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The bizarre thing is the weirdly immobile upper half of his face make me think Botox…

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