Trump suggests using nuclear weapons to stop hurricanes

Exactly. SNL pretty much nailed it in 2016:


I am sure history far in the future will try.

But they will never create a man quite this stupid and ignorant again

IANANP (I am not a nuclear physicist) but I believe you are partially correct. What I think many people consider “fallout” (ground debris) wouldn’t be an issue in the air. Fission product would certainy be vaporized and mix with stratospheric water vapour though, and while this may not technically be fallout, I don’t think many people would care about the semantics as radioactive clouds came towards them.

The real reason why no one would do this, though, is the NOAA already thought about it, and we just don’t have the power:


Thank you. I just went and rewatched this episode. (Season 11 Episode 21)

he said “herman cain”. i don’t think there would be much fallout from nuking herman cain. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

but he’s the president!


I’m a physicist and a teacher and I despise Trump, so this is going out on a limb for me to say this but… in my opinion…

For a non-scientist to ask if this would be possible is not all that dumb.

Yeah, there’s radiation, but we also tested atomic bombs out in the ocean on tiny islands and stuff for years and years and nobody seemed too bothered by that. Yes it’s not enough energy to actually work, but that’s not obvious to a layperson who has no intuitive feel for the actual energy of an atomic bomb vs. a hurricane. If the idea was posed as a genuine question to experts, I think it’s kind of ok, especially if his reaction was to listen to the experts. (Which is seldom his course of action!)


Does President Trump want Godzillas?
Because that’s how you get Godzillas.


Wouldn’t nuking an area with marine iguanas get you Godzilla? If this was up in the atmosphere, wouldn’t this yield Rodan?


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