You may want to consider the possibility that at least some of these supporters are fake accounts. Not that there isn’t an ample supply of idiots to support Trump or whatever but simply because Facebook is all smoke and mirrors.
I don’t know if many of you saw the comments on the Channel 4 tweet originally, but the people they interviewed are not just random members of the public who happen to be Trump supporters.
From comments by @InstatuneTeam on Twitter:
- Meshawn Maddock was a delegate to the RNC
- William Rauwerdink has been involved with the 14th District Committee of the Michigan Republican Party for years, despite 4 years in prison and an order to pay $285 million in restitution for 16 counts of financial fraud.
- Scott Hagerstrom was Trump’s campaign director in Michigan
- Marian Sheridan is President of the Lakes Area Tea Party
[Ay. ]
Bill would have to be the top though with Trump as the willing bottom, otherwise Trumpists will just make excuses about how it’s not really gay and it’s just Trump asserting his dominance.
Can it be Bill the Goat, please?
I was joking with my SO about this yesterday, and I said the same thing almost word for word. She agreed after a dark chuckle.
It’s a cargo-cult mentality, based mainly on what he’s seen on television. They watch “The Apprentice” and see his dictator-chic condo and that’s all it takes to think to themselves “hey, this is a serious businessman.”
Meanwhile, people who can read a 10K report and parse financials and who take the time to really look at his actual business history say “hey, this is a deeply indebted and attention-hungry aliterate clown who constantly stiffs his counterparties and can’t even make a casino resort profitable.”
It’s like the Libertarians and Randroids who’ve never owned or been executives of an actual operating business but who think they could run a railroad or alloys company if the government would just stop regulating and give them a chance. It’s that lack of experience combined with fantasism that puts me off and makes me take a harder look when a startup founder tells me (as they often do) that “Atlas Shrugged” is his favourite book.
Not most of the time, given that the goals an methods of running a for-profit business and those of running a government are very different (this is why Romney, though a far more competent business executive than Dolt-45, is also a terrible choice). Decades of generic management business experience can be a great thing to bring to government but it’s only the beginning; despite what the B-schools say, it’s difficult enough to transfer it between different companies, let alone between different industries or different sectors of the economy.
Welcome! Since I’m sure you expected some feedback, Here’s a list of his failures in the first 100 days of his reign. And no, I will not respect a liar, a conman, a double crossing politician. As far as his tax cut - ask yourself, how much actual money do you see in your paycheck, while over 80% of it went to the rich or corporations. Ask yourself if your healthcare costs are lower after he meddles in the market and worked hard to wreck it.
Sorry - No respect for that toxic womgobble.
The economic turn around was well underway prior to his election. The president is rarely entire responsible for the good and bad in the economy, and Trump is no exception. And it matters what KIND of jobs we’re talking about here. Is it low wage, service sector jobs that people can’t pay their rent on? Is it piecemeal work like Uber or Lyft?
While the tax cuts have had a short term impact on the bottom line of corporations, it’s likely just going to increase the debt, because you can’t take in less money and expect to have more money.
More have done this, which are short term gains for workers.
How much of that is because local governments are passing higher minimum wage requirments as opposed to the tax cuts?
Wages are still well below the cost of living. There is almost nowhere in America where a minimum wage worker can live and pay rent on a 2 bedroom, certainly not near their places of work. This is an on going crisis, which along with the student debt crisis, that is going to have long term consequences for all of us.
In addition, governors in solid red states are expressing concerns over the tariffs, with some companies (Harley Davidson, perhaps Moog in NC) who are planning to move at least some production back overseas because of the tariffs. The governor of both GA and AL have been among those calling for a repeal of the tariffs, since they will hit industries here particularly hard. Same with farmers in the mid-west.
Or if you’re “billionaire” Donald Trump, it’s just crumbs, so I don’t know what the point of that was…
Dude, Trump keeps having rallies WHERE THEY ARE STILL CHANTING LOCK HER UP EVEN THOUGH THEY WON IN 2016… It’s true that SOMEONE needs to get over it.
I had a suspicion it could be.
These people also live north of 96. That NW quadrant is definitely filled with vote-Republican-no-matter-what tools. West of 275 includes Ann Arbor where even the Republicans run as Democrats because Republicans haven’t won any elections there since the 80’s.
That’s something like 4-5% of America’s workforce. Ideally, 100% of America’s workforce should be getting a yearly COLA.
From discussion elsewhere:
"But here is one thing I’ve noticed about the die-hards (and your tie comment brought it to mind): When they post pics of themselves, it is rarely at home, it usually is when they are out and about, at restaurants or the beach or some activity. When they DO post pics of them at home, what struck me immediately was not the focus of the pic but the background. Their homes are, without exception, seedy messes. Kitchen counters covered in crap, dishes piled up in sinks, piles of clothes strewn across couches and chairs, dining room tables also piled with junk. Drawers broken or askew, walls smudged, gouged, no art or cheap art hanging crookedly. Beds wrinkled and unmade. Lawns unmowed with more crap piled around. The house itself might be nice, but their maintenance of it is haphazard at best.
Maybe this is just a coincidence, or a correlation rather than a causality. But what I saw was a lot of probable depression or chaotic mentality among Trump supporters; they tend to live in messy, unwelcoming environs, by their own choice (doesn’t cost a dime to pick up after yourself). I’m no neat freak but hell, daily chores in our house include dish washing, bed making, spot cleaning, straightening up. It’s essential to making sure your mental outlook at least starts out positive, and also, after a long, shitty day coming home to a dwelling that is somewhat clean and in order makes a big difference. And we LIKE coming home, it is something to look forward to."
There is nowhere. Except maybe Detroit. Problem them becomes finding that minimum wage job to start with…
I suppose from 2008 -2016 you made good on this principle, yes? No?
500 is a nice number. But, the number of companies using the extra money from tax cuts to instead buy back stocks and pay dividends to investors dwarfs that (I can’t find a number, but between dividends and buybacks the consensus is “Most public companies are doing this”). The Rich are getting Richer.
Which is going to drive us further into budget crisis, operating at a greater budget deficit. Y’all didn’t like it when Obama did that, right?
Nope. 4 weeks wages at minimum wage is $1,480 in Michigan. You gonna stuff a couple kids in a studio because you can’t afford food or utilities for the 2-bedroom?
[can’t get the image size to shrink, but this is info easily googled.]
This is a perfect example of how the media bubbles make people see the same things from completely different angles. I believe these people here are genuinely convinced of what they say because tht’s all they ever heard.
No need to suppress information like in the old days in USSR or Nazi Germany, no need for Orwellian state control. Social Media has filled the last gaps in the media bubbles and now, all we ever see is what we agree to and the increasingly high percentage of poorly educated people will always make the balance tilt to the right.
Brother, you seem to be the one with a Clinton fixation here. I never mentioned that corporatist shill…
I’d love for you to share exactly what policies Trump has enacted to effect the changes you believe are a result of something the orange one has done.
I mean lets look at some shall we? 3.4 million new jobs since the election. You are looking at that number and act as if we should be impressed. But the truth is that number represents a decline in growth
See that dark blue? That’s since Obama left. Seems Trump has slowed down job creation
What about that unemployement? Nope not even close to the historical low
I enjoyed your counterfactual link. Thanks. But looking at two of your claims so far it seems you have either been duped or are simply a liar. Either way it’s the same to me. But if you have some reason for me to think Trump caused any positive change then you should be able to point to a policy of his that caused that change right? So I look forward to reading all about it.
We were already at peak unemployment when Obama left office.
The thanks you have might be best granted to Mitch McConnell, not Trump. He got you that stolen conservative supreme court justice for you, and he’ll even break his own justification (waiting for the imminent election) for that theft and get you a second justice from the looks of it.
Trump was no help on negotiating the budget he signed and even indicated he regretted doing it shortly after it was signed. So, yeah, thank Mitch, not Trump for all his hard thankless work (note I’m not actually a fan of his work but Democrats could learn a thing or two from him about getting things done).
But what’s heating up the economy now is running up the government credit card in a good economy, which is going to end in inevitable disaster. The deficit is back to post-TARP levels, and the rules keeping banks from gambling with your retirement money are being dismantled. It’s not a matter of if but when the next recession happens, and when it does, we might not be able to borrow our way out of it this time.
Trump is also raising your taxes indirectly with his pointless trade war. When companies here have to pay taxes in the double digits on the materials they need to make the products you buy, those costs get passed to you.
The retaliatory tariffs on American products mean farmers can’t sell their goods overseas like they used to, and anything manufactured in the United States are doubly taxed when they’re exported. Harley Davidson is moving overseas to get around this because they have no choice, and other manufacturers may have to do the same, and there goes good paying jobs.
I haven’t had respect for the office since at least 2003, and I’ve never had respect for the man. His “shithole countries” remark disrespects my own family; is that supposed to earn him my respect?
Is the “shithole countries” remark an anomaly, an aberration, and totally out-of-character based on previous things that the man has said?
Assuming for a moment that everything that you’ve listed is singlehandedly due to Trump’s efforts, how much money is supposed to make me forget (or forgive) his insult to my family?
Am I supposed to be grateful?
Just for further reading - here’s a list of trump’s campaign promises including exactly what he said and where he said it.
Unemployment is at historical lows. Thanks to Obama. Trump is riding on his shirttails.
Black and Hispanic unemployment is the lowest in history. Hispanic families seeking asylum are being split apart. Black people are still being shot by police.
Women’s unemployment is at a 66-year low. They still make about 75% of men.
3.4 million new jobs since the election. See #1 above.
The President signed the first major tax reform in 30 years (if you’re a multi-millionaire like Nancy Pelosi, it’s just crumbs). This tax reform is a major gift to wealthy people. If you’re not making $10,000,000 a year, you’re screwed. Just wait till the cutbacks in Medicare, Social Security, FEMA, FDA, EPA, etc. etc. due to the Trump deficits.
ETA: Accidentally posted before finished
- More than 500 companies have announced bonuses, wage increases and new investments. There are something like 20 million companies in the US.
I give up; you can educate yourself on the rest of it.
Have a little more respect for the office and the man. Sorry, my respect for a racist, sexist, ignorant, narcissistic, dumpster fire of a Russian puppet is necessarily limited.
Get over the Hillary Clinton loss. Clinton I’m over. It’s the loss of our American ideals over the last 40 years by greedy Republican politicians (Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2, Trump, McConnell, Ryan, Hastert, Gingrich, etc. etc.) supported by racist, sexist, xenophobic, angry, hateful so-called “Christians” is what I find hard to get over.
Just checked out the wikipedia entry on Whataboutism. I had no idea it has, for a long time now, been so characteristic of Soviet propaganda.