Is all of it such hot-air-filled nuance free one-sided spun bullshit as that list?
Hispanic unemployment is at a record low? Well we have a record number of hispanic toddlers in custody too,
Sure fills my freedom loving heart with pride, doesn’t it? Toddlers. Kidnapped. For Misdemeanors their parents havent been convicted of. USA! USA! USA!
A racist comment by a user (not the one who got a timeout) was properly deleted due to flagging, but apparently people were flagging other posts by the same user simply because they were delusional and reality-challenged. It looks like the situation has been resolved.
“Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section…”
Thanks for the link to the promiseskept website, I hadn’t seen that. Very slickly produced, I took a look at the source code.
While I can understand appreciating President Trump’s willingness to keep promises, I think it’s pretty clear that he does not respect people like me or govern in any way that is going to help people like me. I work for a living!
Mr. Trump has a history of colluding with organized crime and cheating blue collar Americans, and that isn’t fake news. He helped drive American owned family companies out of business so that he could have fancy hotels and casinos that mysteriously lost money… how exactly can a casino lose money if it’s not funneling money under the table, anyway? The house always wins, it’s math.
As I see it, I am just a regular guy; and Donald Trump is one of the hereditary rich kids who have been manipulating the country’s government all my life, stealing the fruits of my labor to support their own profligate lifestyles. It’s not hard to see that he hasn’t changed; he still has a foreign supermodel wife (that mysteriously got around laws that were supposed to prevent her from immigrating), he still lives in places that look like Paris bordellos, and he still stays up late partying every night, if his early morning tweets are any indication. He’s the same Donald Trump he was before he was President, a man who can talk people into giving him their money.
I’d rather have a President that understands we can’t keep dumping pollution on rural people in order for urban people to have more disposable plastic crap. A President devoted to making the American economy better by matching (or beating) the things other nations are doing that are making them outcompete us - like better education and healthcare for example. A President who understands that tariffs should be used to make products made by by American companies that treat their work force and our environment well cheaper than products made with slave labor and brown coal. Somebody who isn’t a grandstander.
Personally, I did not vote for or support Ms. Clinton - nor did I vote for or support the President - and I accord the President the same respect I do any other person, just as I am doing to you now. Thanks again for the link!
It’s hard for me to consider any perspective that doesn’t count each of those deeply handicapping attitudes as a subset (or at least symptoms) of mental illness, as valid.
Mental illnesses are a result of a biological flaw/imperfection/difference/thing you can point at on a scan and develop a physical treatment for, because there is a physical cause.
Character Disorders are not the result of a biological flaw. Cluster B personality disorders are abiological. They have bad character. There is no medical treatment. They are only in the DSM so people can code them, for billing. There is no medical intervention for just simply being a sadistic asshole because you like it.
To the best of my knowledge, psychiatry follows the clinical paradigm of other branches of medicine, where illness is defined as a disruption of homeostasis and/or impaired functioning within the individual. Impairment of functioning within groups is, with few exceptions, outside their scope of practice. (Couples counseling being one of those.)
At any scale beyond couples and certain small groups, it becomes a societal problem, one that is almost always both cultural and structural in nature.
Racism is not a threat to one’s homeostasis. The racist can maintain their views and keep on with life. To whatever extent it causes them anxiety or mood problems, these are secondary to their views; they are not primary conditions.
For these and other reasons, ideology itself is not considered within the scope of psychiatric practice.
Well, that’s part of the attraction, at least for some people.
Trump is someone you can follow blindly, or to be more precise, the only way to follow him over some time is to follow blindly.
And in my experience there are a lot of people who actually quite like being told what to think and what to do. It’s like having to think things over makes their brains hurt or something. I never really understood this. Sure, sometimes forming your own opinions and making your own decisions (and facing the consequences of those decisions) can be tiresome and frustrating. Probably everyone has a childhood memory of a situation like, for example, dozing in the back seat of the family car on the way home. Warm and comfy, and their parents in the front seat taking care of everything, keeping them safe. This is nice, this feels good. And this is the attraction in authoritarian leaders and/or systems. You can stay dozing in the back seat.
But at one point in your life you’ll have to get in the driver’s seat yourself if you want to live your own life.