Trump supporters want women's right to vote removed

But that has been shown, over and over again. It’s not working.


Slacktivist has covered this at least a few times, but a quick search isn’t pulling up for me a post I remember reading in the last year (I think) which really laid out the timeline, going back further than mid- to late-70s.

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Not in excrement, but from beneath a layer of mucus where they are embedded in the skin.


I meant this:


How does scrolling through thousands of tweets and never seeing a single supporting comment translate into “wilful ignorance”? And why are you attempting to suggest motivations on my part for doing nothing more than making an objective observation? I never suggested there were absolutely zero tweets that support it, I sad the overwhelming majority of them are critical. Every tweet that uses a hashtag bumps it up the trending chart, no matter what the content is, including bots…

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Look at it the other way: it has already been shown that conservative evangelical organisations can be persuaded by fairly straightforward pro choice arguments, and this was the case until 40 years ago. Furthermore, support for the availability of abortion is rising, albeit slowly. In many ways, free evangelicals are more likely than most to change their views - they don’t have the same respect for tradition and can make big changes with new generations and trends. They already did that very recently, just in the other direction. I may be wrong in this (I’m on my phone and can’t check the statistics) but it seems that LGBT acceptance was an easier sell among younger evangelicals.

The problem I see is that issues like this can seriously distort the centre of balance of a groups belief and become shibboleths of their identity. I think crisis points like this where the pro life candidate is so obviously and openly out of line with other moral standpoints is a potential watershed moment where pretty fundamental change can happen. Many of my European Christian friends are trying to hold up a mirror to potential Trump voters and remind them of how much they are compromising for this issue. I don’t think it’s the persuasiveness of the arguments themselves that makes people like this change, it’s more of a change in the way they see their identity that will do it. This is my hope at least.


So that’s why Trump supporter Lou Dobbs felt it was necessary to post the purported phone number and home address of one of Trump’s accusers.

Doxxing is alive and well.


Ugh. The. Worst.


It worked, too, because I’m pretty sure Trump took it as a direct compliment on his penis.

My husband refuses to believe it is. I think it fits right in with their agenda so far and see no reason to doubt it.


Yes, once some media outlets picked it up and wrote stories, the original nutcases that were promoting the idea were quickly drowned out by the many who responded and those critical responses were what caused it to trend. So? There still were Trump supporters calling to repeal the 19th, and the article’s description is still correct. Are you saying that there’s no problem with some Trump supporters calling for a ban of the 19th so long as it’s unpopular? What is your point in relation to the article, exactly?


Can’t say I have the same experience. My good male friends are my brothers we talk about everything. I have those other types of friends too, but those aren’t the dynamics that define my social life among other men. Cheers.

  1. Because the tweet I copied in my last reply was at the top of the list (and it had ~2k RTs). The second tweet in the list was also supportive of repealing the 19th amd (and it had ~4k RTs). So if you’re scrolling through “thousands” of tweets without seeing anything…then yeah, I’d call that willful ignorance.

  2. I’m feeling pedantic, so:

From your first post:

Own your words.


There’s a model…


Gee, they look happy!


As long as you also circle back around to the first, too. /s

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White men, yes.

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Sadly, some of these people saying this are women, which makes it even MORE depressing!


If they choose to exercise their ability to not vote, I feel like I have to support that.



None of the other top tweets on the hashtag actually support the theme of repealing the 19th amendment, and they all have thousands of likes and retweets too. Scrolling down the list of hundreds of other top tweets, there don’t appear to be any others that do. As for the tweet you quoted from “Deplorable Melissa”, my original comment that you’re quoting to be “pedantic” was written before that tweet even existed. So no, I’m not “wilfully ignorant” of something that didn’t exist at the time of making the observation. If you’re going to be pedantic, do it right.

Furthermore, the Deplorable Melissa tweet you referenced doesn’t actually mention anything about support for repealing the 19th amendment. It’s about a completely different matter, and the author was most likely just using the popular Trump-related hashtag at the time to increase visibility of their tweet. This happens all the time on Twitter. For example, here’s another one that Deplorable Melissa herself retweeted, a pro-trump tweet that includes the hashtags #HillaryClinton #imwithher #flotus #michelleobama

But that security usually stems from not living up to, and trying desperately to appeal to, a masculine norm.