Originally published at: MAGA activist says abortion rights vote was rigged
False accusations of election fraud are MAGA dogma. It’s all they have to deny the reality that they’re in the minority.
i remember them claiming that the dems couldn’t accept hillarie’s loss in 2016. yet here they are, pushing the same tired canard for a few years now. what a bunch of losers. can’t gracefully accept defeat.
That coach doesn’t practice good sportsmanship.
I remember when this scene seemed like satire.
I, for one, refuse to live in the fiction far-right evangelicals have constructed. Appears the majority of Ohio voters similarly reject this fiction.
“You didn’t take out the garbage cans like you were supposed to, did you?”
“It was a rigged election!! …space lasers!”
Part of the reason they yell stuff like this is to make themselves feel better. “We’re not really a shrinking minority, we’re just oppressed!”
Part of it is to convince their followers that they need to go out and shoot the people oppressing them.
I mean. . . not in cases of rape or incest or if the life of the mother is in danger?
What else is there?
Alien-human hybrid that could destroy the planet?
Sigh. Just more of the, “I’m not above cheating when it helps me, so you must have cheated on the thing that helped you” mindset that pervades certain political circles these days. So much projection.
Even states that technically have that exception in the law, it is so vague that hospitals are refusing to do procedures until things get really dire for the women.
Women are dying because of this.
I mean that’s the end game right? Sure some talk about vague “exceptions” that ultimately re-victimize women and make it even more difficult for them to have an abortion. It’s all nonsense. Women have overwhelmingly decided that that don’t want government in their uterus.
And besides, republicans are supposed to be the party of personal freedom and small government. There’s nothing about anti-abortion policies that are either.
This was a major plot point in the original V miniseries.
(I rewatched this a few years ago and it was surprising, not to mention disheartening, how contemporary the debate in the relevant scenes seemed, nearly 30 years later.)
that concept died with the rise of the Tea Party.
On some level, he appears to be just another one of those conservatives arguing that land should have votes, not people.
That’s just a dressed-up way of saying “we shouldn’t let those urban folks (you know what that means…) vote anyway, just the good, Go-fearing white folk in the country.”
Exactly as intended. They want to kill the women they find objectionable and keep their boot on the necks of the rest.
True, but it is going to kill some of their own, because even women who want another baby can have life threatening complications. I have had friends and relatives who would be dead with out medical intervention and it is way more common than some people think.
It’s a price worth paying to subjugate the rest of us to their whims. They don’t really value their own wives, mothers, and daughters any more than the rest of us.
Yes, I very well aware of that, being someone who has carried a child to term and has many friends and family who has done so, and some who’ve had real problems during birth or lost babies.
these types have always been saying these things. we used to just ignore them, but now they all have megaphones which give them large followings and influence, so we no longer have the luxury of ignoring them, which only further amplifies their message.