Trump the Chump (Part 1)

That particular piece would fit right in at the Weekly Standard.

It’s weird that Glenn Greenwald just tweeted this:


Not that I was alive then but I miss that in the Republican party.

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Megadittoes, Rush friend TobinL.

Maybe dems could go after the estate tax as a populist recruit-alienated-working-communities from the GOP while also deconstructing Drumpf’s poser I-work-hard narrative.

Adjust the E tax to 100% with exceptions only for small residential homes, small businesses and farms and use the proceeds to purchase democratically administered affordable housing and debt refinance funds?


Someone made a Trump tombstone and installed it in Central Park.


“Made America Hate Again”…nicely done!


idea added to my list of things to do if i ever win lotto…

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What, give the tombstone owner cause to carve ‘2016’ on it?

I wonder if any of his old Mob associates would do him at a discount?


No get various tombstones of that vein and have them installed somewhere public.


Jesus H - Trump was worst landlord ever - he harassed a cancer patient to try to drive her out of her apartment. Now he basically wants to be America’s landlord.


just when you think you’re typing totally random nonsensical things into a search engine, you’re reminded that the political scene is a totally random nonsensical thing


it’s crazy to do that !


I think Nate Silver is a smart guy,

He nailed 2012, famously, but he’s too far up inside the DC-NYC bubble. This cycle, that bubble smells of fart.


Aid and comfort to terrists! Someone having a psychotic break should string up that… never mind, he’ll string himself up and it’ll be hilarious.


Pravda-esque far-right media sources.

Drumpfisters, like most post-libertarian fascists, have more in common with the scumbag Bolscheviks who ended the Duma than the republican social-democrats that fought the Czarist aristocracy. The comparisons with Mussolini are apropos, though he combines the idiot rich-boy-draft-dodger dynamic with the apocolyptic warmongering of all assholes. Hitler had to court money in opposition to Bolschevik shitbags; Drumf doesn’t have that roadblock.

Drumpf may hit the shitbag jackpot in his coalition, by we’re not a proportional parliamentary state, so we won’t have Drumpfscruloni or Drumftler or Drumfnco. Fuck the ghosts of Europe, especially since they’re slipping back into the cozy chaos of mass death that follows every comfortable reemergence of oligargy/aristocracy.

They aren’t there yet but the breakdown of Yugoslavia was just a test run.

Putin (bringing it back to Pravda) is bad for the rise of authoritarian shitbags because he’s a shitbag, he’s frontrunning all the shitbag strategies and exposing the playbook, and the Berlusconi-wannabees like Trump are getting a social-media headwind. Pay attention to the breeze, motherfuckers! Retire to an island. A low island.


There are a lot of people on the left who do not identify as liberal (myself included). Maybe this isn’t the case in the US, where the Overton window seems to be further to the right than anywhere else on Earth and McCarthyism made people afraid to identify as socialist (until Bernie came along).

When I (and presumably @daneel) grew up in the UK the parties were from left to right:

Labour - Liberal/Social Democrat/Liberal Democrat - Conservative

which roughly worked out as:

Socialist - Liberal (or centrist) - Conservative

This has been true for most of my life, except during the Blair years, when Charles Kennedy moved the LibDems to the left of “Not-Socialist-Any-More” Labour. That was when it worked out as:

Liberal - Conservative - Even More Conservative


If it’s meant as a pejorative from a leftist it kind of maybe makes some sense, I guess, though the article’s framing was talking about US media in a way that doesn’t sound like a real left-wing critique so much as a confused muddle of conflating mainstream corporate media with “liberal” in a way more typical of right-wingers. Time Magazine is not a bastion of left-wing or liberal sentiment, but a mushy middlebrow weekly with a rather conservative outlook, NBC and especially Random House are not things that can be rationally described as “liberal,” “leftist,” “conservative,” or “right-wing” since they’re all over the map depending on the specific, though Condé Nast’s liberal bias in Golf Digest, Glamour, and Vogue is well known. Also slagging WaPo for interviewing the GOP frontrunner late in the primary was kind of infantile. The mainstream corporate media that values eyeballs for their income over any political principle is what Trump is skilled at exploiting, and if you want a left-wing critique, pointing out the corrosive effect of capitalism on our corporate media seems more apropos.


One problem with an independent run is that after the convention it will be too late to get on the ballot in several states. Of course he could do it just to spite the party, but I am not sure he really wants a doomed run.

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Cruz getting the nomination after Trump collects 49% of the delegates is the best possible result.

He’s no more electable, the GOP will tear itself apart, and because Cruz is considered a proper Republican by enough of the party bank rollers, they’ll spend their money on him, whereas if Trump is their candidate they’ll spend that down ticket.

If Trump runs third party in a few states, that’s the icing on the cake.

(I’m still worried that they will have a fit of common sense and put Kasich up, because he’d do unpleasantly well against the overwhelmingly unpopular Clinton)