Trump threatens GOP control of Twitter, Facebook: 'We will strongly regulate, or close them down'

Has he converted to Islam?

You think they would not follow him there in a heartbeat? Someone starting a new social media/mass communications platform right now could become a billionaire overnight if they got Trumpty Dumpty on board. They’d only have to offer him 10%, I reckon.


I miss what life was like before social media. Shut it down. The world will be a much better place if people have to actually talk to one another…


Unless “sudden” means “keep behaving the way he has since the previous decade,” I doubt he’s really taking it at all.


That watchdog that had been kept outside all the time, starved, abused by its owner isn’t going to go after that stranger with any kind of vigor. Trump is lucky if he can muster the experienced and skilled litigators willing to do it. Most of them are not political appointees. If the government can’t seem to exercise its litigation power against corporations when it is supposed to, its not going to muster much when it is doing something improper.

Judges generally don’t like these kinds of suits and are usually pretty hostile to plaintiffs. Especially with declaratory judgment actions. Even in default judgments where the other side hasn’t answered/isn’t represented by counsel.

Twitter has the money to lawyer up effectively here.


If Trump were to move to a different app, there needs to be a bot that scrapes his posts and sends them to twitter (or a replacement) where the media and concerned people can disseminate and comment without him or his new app getting any credit / users / money.

Or a bot could do that now to send his tweets from twitter to a better app for better people™.

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Remember he planted those same seeds leading up to the election in 2016 so he could launch whatever media empire he was planning. Then he accidentally won.



The last several years have proven that allowing Trump’s messages to be published on Twitter without editorial oversight, correction or context has made the world worse, not better. A bot that published those messages verbatim would be no better than just keeping Trump on the platform.


Unfortunately, none of your cogent comments will ever be seen by Trump’s braindead legions.

Please don’t malign macaroons like that. They’re good cookies to make when you’ve got egg whites to use up, and if made with dark chocolate chips and half unsweetened coconut, they taste like Mounds Bars did when I was a kid, only better because they’re cookies.

But yeah, agree otherwise.

ETA: now I feel like I have to make macaroons.


Many people are talking about what happened to Carolyn Gombell. IT’S TIME TO INVESTIGATE.



Not that I know of, but if he did his followers would still approve. No, I believe he’s aware that dogs can be good judges of character, and he has nothing but bad character. All I know is that I’ve observed when he really loathes someone he compares them to a dog.

A whole social network of just them? That would never work. He has to be able to outrage someone (own the libs) in front of an audience of his base. Nothing he does outrages his base, and just them hooting and hollering along won’t feed his beast.


He’d consider it if he knew that Muslim men could have four wives.

More likely - and far better - they’d mostly just ignore his obscure social media rantings. They’re not going to sign up for a right-wing social media just because he’s on it.

No. The media were heavy, early adopters of Twitter. Things that happen there are given outweighed importance because of that, Trump’s deranged utterances included. Trump speaking to a right-wing social media audience is like addressing a conservative group, in terms of its importance. It doesn’t get completely ignored, but it doesn’t get very much attention either.

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I don’t need to imagine

A few days before D.J. Trump was due to head north, according to O’Donnell, a virus ripped through the horse farm. D.J. Trump didn’t appear sick, but the trainer Jerkens recommended postponing a final workout in Florida, and the move north, for a few weeks. If the horse was sick, the trainer said, working him out risked a high fever, and possibly death.

Trump was impatient, O’Donnell wrote. He wanted his horse racing, up north, with no delays. Hyde, the casino executive, relayed the order reluctantly: “He wants the horse to work.”

D.J. Trump’s last workout in Ocala was, in Trump parlance, a total disaster. A few hours after running, the horse’s legs began shaking uncontrollably, then he collapsed in a heap. D.J. Trump had contracted the virus without showing symptoms, veterinarians concluded, and the workout had exacerbated his condition.

Veterinarians detected blood flow slowing in the horse’s front legs, and recommended a drastic procedure: amputating both front hoofs. The horse would never race, but might at least live, and the hoofs would grow back. Jerkens, the trainer, sobbed as he explained the developments over the phone to LiButti, O’Donnell wrote.

Trump, however, was unmoved. And, conveniently, he hadn’t cut that $250,000 check yet. When informed of D.J. Trump’s sudden illness, and surgery, Trump told his top executive Hyde he had decided to back out of the deal.


The thing is, this is NOT the world I want to live in. We shouldnt have to be fighting bullshit with bullshit.

But what else is really left to do? How does one combat the irrational? What do you say to someone who walks around in a constant state of cognitive dissonance, “ALL lives matter” vs. “we need to reopen the economy even if there are thousands of deaths.”

It’s a losing battle for everyone, including them, they just don’t realize it yet. AS the world gets more f@#ked they just double down on blaming George Soros and the Deep State.


Fucking hell


Barr is smart enough to realize that Trump using the (supposedly impartial) Do(in)J as his personal fixer is one thing and to use them as political hitmen is not going to be as well received.


Hah. Like he has some kind of moral code against cheating on his one wife any chance he gets. Four wives mean four prenups, and three more women he needs to lie to when asked where he has been. That said, he obviously has no moral code against lying either so… Nah. I’m betting he would remain a “Cristian” of sorts.


He’s not interested in how the public at large will receive it. He’s playing to an audience of one now.