Trump to armed border agents: “If judges give you trouble, say, 'Sorry, judge, I can't do it.'”

It doesn’t surprise me at all that Trump would encourage others to break the law.


It’s a personal grudge:


He was not a “slick liar”. He was not clever, devious, subtle or believable to any human being with a brain. The people who voted for him knew precisely what they were getting. Never forget, this exact shit is WHY THEY VOTED FOR HIM.


Yeah, I guess I was using that as shorthand for, “Why is this not sufficient political ammunition to make the political case for impeachment?” But I suppose that’s still a silly question, as nothing matters anymore.


Ah, tRump, it’s almost like he’s our first crazy anti-government “sovereign citizen” president…

(and again, I wish that could be sarcasm)


So now he can blatantly request a government employee violate the Constitution and that’s all cool to his supporters that consider themselves to be “patriots”?


This issue is and will be the electoral college - not the popular vote.

The same circumstances that allowed Dolt 45 to get elected despite 3M fewer votes will be essentially unchanged in 2020.

Only next time he may have 10M fewer votes from the coasts but still carry key electoral states to victory. It will come down to a slim minority in places like Pennsylvania and Michigan. Whoever the DNC candidate ends up being cannot afford to take rust belt voters for granted like HRC did.

That’s the sad reality of our current electoral situation.


As a friend put it, “you can run as the ‘outsider’ candidate exactly once”


BC in trumpist apologist world, any judge who doesn’t agree with the GOP is an “activist judge” and should be both ignored and fired - they are putting their own ideas into their findings, and not just doing “what the framers said”. So if you ignore an “activist judge” you are a patriot. See?

(hard to see clarity amongst such obvious bs)


The CNN article reveals something maybe even more disturbing: His bloviation about closing the ports was preceded by actually ordering ports closed, only to be stopped by his admin. Once he has his yes men installed it will be time to short, well, everything.


Now I know why Trump won’t release his tax returns. He does not give one single fuck about our system. He’s got his “army” of supporters to do his bidding.

Probably my favorite thing about the Declaration of Independence, is its claim to exhaustion: the idea that before embarking on a treasonous course, the colonists did everything they could under rule of law, first.

Now, Im certain that loyalists to the crown back in those days, couldve argued that more could have been done. My favorite scene in the John Adams miniseries, showed the North Carolina delegate (I think) arguing to that point.

In any case, my view is that while extralegal actions will probably end up on the menu, we are nowhere near exhausted of or legal remedies. And confining ourselves to the ballot box barely scratches the surface of whats legally possible. The enemy would prefer, of course, that we waste our energy ranting on internet forums like this one, rather than actually committing acts with consequences.


Agent: “Sorry judge, I can’t do that.”

Judge: “Officers, place the agent in a cell for contempt of court.”

News: “ICE is on a Hiring Spree to Replace Jailed Agents.”

He can tell them whatever he wants. The judges aren’t going to put up with that shit, not even the conservative ones he thinks are in his pocket.


This is why I was baffled when some folks were cheering the firing of Kirstjen Nielsen. Seems like she was the only think keeping Stephen Miller from doing things like this in his crusade against brown people. I fear it’ll only get worse.

One of the big reasons he got elected was that he positioned himself as an ‘outsider’ – not a politician, a CEO who doesn’t give a fart about The Way Things Are Done and would go in and flip tables. Telling people to ignore the Constitution in order to ‘protect the people’ from, uh, (checks notes) hungry homeless South Americans seeking asylum is manna for his supporters.


This can’t be said enough. The reason I get pissed off about Turmp, and not about other loathsome base creatures like scorpions or ringworm, is the way people ascribe agency to him. That’s like saying it’s your too-tight T-shirt’s fault that you’re fat. It’s voters who are doing this.

Turmp might or might not get reëlected. It won’t be because of any skill on his part because he has none. Either way, the problem he symptomizes won’t be fixed so long as we persist with the fucking deranged dogma that Turmp voters are just as smart and good as people who are actually smart and good.

We desperately need to stop dancing around this, and stop cowering from the claim that it is “elitist” or “undemocratic” to say it. Turmp voters (unlike many of their victims) have the right to go into a polling booth and make whatever choice they want. That is exactly why it is wrong to not point out that being a citizen is a job, and what’s undemocratic is to do that job badly on purpose.


And that is the truth. Fuckitall, but it is true. Even if we win in 2020 the degree of damage done will be generational in repairing.


Nielsen “believed the situation was becoming untenable with the President becoming increasingly unhinged about the border crisis and making unreasonable and even impossible requests,” a senior administration official tells CNN.

Hopefully the first law they’ll try to break is the law of gravity.



His base doesn’t care. These are features not bugs in their book.

Surreal and appalling, but here we are.


This is definitely a constitutional crisis. It just turns out there is no one to officially announce that, no warning sirens, no red lights, so everyone can keep going on as if America isn’t about to end.

Being a hypocrite just doubles your chances of being half right. It’s possible to believe in something/to value something other than just outdoing the “other side”.