Trump: Unpaid federal workers should just go ask grocery stores for free food

Just imagine forgetting that if any other president had said it! If Eisenhower had said it all of us would bring it up every time someone said his name.


Yes. And it’s always bothered me. I like them but I grew up with them as normal boots. Still, they get trotted out by extremely wealthy “homespun” politicians every year trying to prove how they understand the common man by putting on an ethnic costume and prancing around. See: George W. Bush’s “persona” in advertising. Hollywood style and yet it fucking works every time. Nauseatingly effective. I honestly think enough people are just so god damned happy some one’s not making fun of us that they’ll fucking vote in good faith that they’re being understood. It’s… actually pretty fucking sad.


Is this the same Lincoln who told us not to believe all the quotes on the internet?


Trump has never thought things through, this is just more evidence of it. Just like his campaign: promise everybody everything, with no real plan on how to fulfill those promises.

When you don’t actually think about how much the government does or what it entails, it’s easy to say “oh sure, we’ll just have a shutdown, no big deal.”


So, like, communism? Is that the solution?


Decades back, I encountered a con-man. Later, when I asked other people “Do you know Bruce?”, they’d get a cautious look in their eye and say “Well, I know of him.”

Institutions that have previously worked with him probably know of Trump.


That might be the point, but it’s not the outcome.

See Goodhart’s law.


That’s more on journalists than politicians in this case.

They shouldn’t ask questions in the corniest way possible, to “target” specific answers, but they should still find a way to express where a politician’s coming from, to “measure” the politician’s likely awareness of the people they’re asking to represent.


Any politician who wants to show they’re One Of The People will trot out their Normal Guy clothes in their home state when needed. Cowboy hats & boots in Texas, baseball caps and denim in the South, flannel shirts up north, leis in Hawaii, etc. Stuff that outside of the area looks a bit silly but in context makes them look homespun.

Donuts for breakfast in the US are very commonplace, common-man, and cheap.


By this standard Sascha Baron Cohen deserves a Pulitzer.

No. I’m not joking.


And that actually gives you a really generous price range. Depending on store and brand of bread, here in Missouri that can range from $0.98 to about $6.


Despite anything else about him, he is undeniably good at getting people off their prepared scripts, and exposing homilies and hypocrisies in inventive and effective ways.

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He’s trying to shift the blame for hardship from himself to someone, anyone else. So in this case he’s encouraging people to make demands of the businesses they depend on for goods/services, rather than the employer they depend on for money.

But in doing so, he’s actually exposing the cruel nature of capitalism: in fact no business will work with you or cut you slack just because you’re struggling, and even the idea that they might is laughable. Food, shelter, heat, etc are only available if you can pay. This is indeed a horrific state of affairs, and we should be upset about it. We should be demanding free groceries.

The funny part is that obviously Trump doesn’t really give a shit about poverty or evictions, it’s just that he’s willing to throw anything under the bus - even capitalism itself - in order to protect his own image.

“All these businesses and elites who say they care about you, none of them really do. They’ll leave you starving and cold at the drop of a hat. I’m the only one truly looking out for you.” The second part is obviously false, but it’s propped up by the obvious truth of the first. What we need is a message which embraces the reality of the first statement while rejecting the second. We need to recognize that nobody will look out for us except each other.


Sounds like a perfectly down-to-earth answer to that type of question. You succeeded easily where others weirdly and awkwardly stumble.

I bet you didn’t have to deeply research or practice your answer either.


As does Mary Walsh aka Marg Delahuntey Princess Warrior.


The morning after our good President declared the solution to my sorrows, I awoke precisely at 7:30 in the morning and walked down to the corner big-box conglomerate and, upon entering, was greeting with a hardy “Welcome to BoxCo.”

Glancing at the badge upon the good greeters chest, I responded with a friendly “Good morning team member Brandon”, and handing him my basket, requested that it be filled with all manner of food-stuffs for my larder has been bare.

The incredulous expression upon his countenance was shocking to say the least! It was reminiscent of the expression my former acquaintances of a more liberal nature conveyed to me upon my informing them of my selection of president in the election of '16! Nonetheless, I shared with this young man, for he was half my age, that this proclamation had come down from our dear leader himself and I demanded my rightful allotment.

Apparently, his patience had run it’s course and invited over a man of higher authority. After explaining my predicament and of the President’s generous order yet again, the officer roughly bound my hands and escorted me to where I am today.

Alas, I fear that I may spend the rest of my days in this foul debtors prison…


From my understanding of The Conquest of Bread, this only happens when the people seize the supermarkets and warehouses to distribute the food fairly. Trump hasn’t fled the USA so it cannot have happened.




Yeah, it’s almost like I buy my own groceries or something.


At this point I would not be surprised if Trump said “let them eat cack” on live television.

He would mean it too. It’s at the level of childishness and mean spirit that I have learned to expect from him.