Trump voter explains how she knows millions of illegal immigrants voted

Basically the people who have made Snopes necessary.

No, there was no shark swimming around a Sandy flooded subway station. And no The Pope did not endorse Trump.


I think we’re officially in the “post-reality” world now, where anything is real if you want it to be real.

Case in point: “pizzagate”, where one of Trump’s own transition team tweeted “Until #pizzagate is proven to be false it’ll remain a story.”

So basically, if you can’t disprove it, then it must be treated as real, no matter how ridiculous. So then if I say “Bigfoot is real and he/she is a time-traveling alien” now the onus is not on me to prove it, but for you to disprove it.

A North Carolina man was arrested Sunday after he walked into a popular pizza restaurant in Northwest Washington carrying an assault rifle and fired one or more shots, D.C. police said. The man told police he had come to the restaurant to “self-investigate” a false election-related conspiracy theory involving Hillary Clinton that spread online during her presidential campaign. (src)

…I don’t even…


The Breitbart-fake news demographic isn’t well-adjusted.



There is still ‘absolute reality’; if any one of us decides to step off the roof of a skyscraper with nothing like a bungee cord or something attached to us, we will plummet back to earth and die, no matter how much we may wish to believe “we can fly.”

That’s a fact.


The snopes article on it is pretty amazing. I’m reminded of the Kelly Wilson case in Texas, where somebody assumed there was some kind of link to Satanism, and then suddenly everything looked like evidence of Satanism, including the fact that there was no evidence of the crime (which only proved how powerful their Black Magic was!)

This idea that everything in the Podesta emails is a secret code is perfect-- you can just infer anything you want, so someone discussing pizza at a pizza restaurant is suddenly “creepy.”

If only Trump had promised his minions that he would grant them the power of flight.


Yeah, I’ve also been rolling it around in my mind; how can this imbecilic disbelief in reality be used effectively on the people who hold it?


“You’re such an asshole, Superman.”


I have a conspiratorial theory: remember how POTUS Trump speculated that if he didn’t win the election, it was rigged? What if he knew it was before, that he would certainly ‘win’ and couldn’t help himself but to tell us by clumsy sleight of hand, 'cuz you know how he plays? What if?

insert Marvel comic series

insert Oligarchy won

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My rented car had Rush (the conservative blowhard, not the band) on the radio when I first turned it on after picking it up. I listened to see how some people get their news. First off, regarding his insane excessive praise of Trump, if he’s not getting free blowjobs out it then he signed a bad deal. Second, his take the truth and what gets reported is … first, don’t believe anything negative the media (especially the NYT) had to say about Trump. Ever. He added that unless he can verify the source he will simply not believe it. There are people who hear this and say “Fuck yeah!”


Be thankful that I don’t have any superpowers.



Perish the thought!

That said, I’m sure you do.


None that could effectively make a noticeable difference in this world, unfortunately.


Unlike many people who wish to fly or to be invisible (which is actually isn’t all that useful as a power, unless you plan on being a spy or a thief) I’ve often dreamed of having the power to manipulate energy and matter at the quantum level.


In 1979 a lady jumped from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building but high winds pushed her back against the building. She landed on a window ledge one story down, where someone heard her moaning and pulled her in.

Therefore, Trump will be the greatest President evar!



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