a show of hands, you say?
Yay. I have seen all sorts of demos on how Mercator can fool you close to the poles, but this is really clear, because things stay the same shape and you can follow what’s what. Kudos to neilrkaye.
The South Pole is a problem. Maybe we can draw Antarctica to scale but in another projection. Then it would have it all.
Trump can always buy Iceland.
Neither do we, my Danish friend.
Some one in Denmark has responded that Denmark wants to buy the USA.
We are sorry Mr Trump. We now belong to Denmark. We don’t need a President.
I, for one, welcome our new Danish overlords…
All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Denmark, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words “I am a Danish!”
I worry about the effects it’ll have on the melting ice caps, having such an effing blowhard mouth breather checking out the real estate.
Apparently Greenland is losing between 250 to 300 billion tons of ice per year. I guess Trump is the equivalent of a giant blow dryer when he talks and tries to walk uphill with long sleeves and pants on.
He only thinks that he’s hot.
Unwanted Number One confirmed his claims:
I guess if Denmark does not cooperate, his friend Vladimir has some advice on how to get real estate that so nicely borders one’s own country…
puts things in perspective; this relativly “small” landmasses ice can raise the global sealevel as much as 6 to 7 meters.
and now think of antarctica, which is roughly 6.5 times as big.
Reminder: despite the mythology he’s been crafting about himself over the last 40 years Trump is actually terrible at making real estate deals.
Not really. It really helps when a majority of said territories would rather be Russian citizens than Russians in a non-Russian country that treats them with suspicion. Lots of hand-wringing about the Baltic nations not treating Russian colonizer as valued citizens, but it’s less clear in Crimea and other places, where they’ve been living for centuries.
An American president wants to buy a country? What a refreshingly novel approach. Don’t they usually invade or start wars in areas of geopolitical interest?
No, they liberate.
Trump is straight-up trolling today. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/19/trump-greenland-tower
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