Trump's approval rating hits rock bottom in latest ABC-Washington Post poll

Starts with an “R”, ends with an “acism”.


Yes it does. The percentages shown above or below the different plot points does kinda make it seem off. If you put a straight edge over it, though, they line up just fine.

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Show me a hundred poll respondents who say they’re Republicans, and I will show you 50 people who couldn’t name a single thing Turmp has ever said or done, and 5 who literally don’t know what party he belongs to. Paying any attention whatsoever to politics is a niche hobby. It’s like, lots of people claim to support a sports team because they feel like it’s socially necessary, but that doesn’t mean they know how many points a touchdown is worth, and it certainly doesn’t mean they did research before deciding what their standard answer would be to this question. They just know you’re supposed to say “Eagles” if you live in Philadelphia.

'Course, the problem in politics is that people like this will sometimes vote.


I’m going to stop you right here, because they did.


Methinks you don’t understand his supporters.

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Aha. I looked at it close… the fonts on the upper line looked like a ‘6’… but they are ‘5’.
Bad font I guess ! Or fake news !

If gas goes to five bucks, or inflation hits consumer goods hard, his supporters will start to defect.

It’s a shame that it will take pocketbook issues, and not the other horrible things he does, says, and espouses, to flip his followers.


His followers won’t flip if they don’t know.
And if they stick with Fox, Breitbart, etc., they won’t.
The trick is to peel them away from them.


Stopping in the middle of a multiple “or” clause is quite unusual.

“You may have death or cake” doesn’t mean you must have death.

I think you missed my point. I assumed everyone here is already taking action to fight virulent racism (I devote about a quarter of my total income to it, personally).

Thus, if we assume that only racism elected Donald Trump, we don’t have to change our actions. See? We’ll just keep on doing what we’ve been doing, and if he’s re-elected, it’s not our fault because our actions are already virtuous.

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I’m still stunned that a full 35% of Amerikans support this willfully ignorant fuck stick. That’s more than one out of every three persons. I feel in a moral, ethical and just society, if an ignoramus like trump receives 10% approval heds be looking good. That kind of support would only be hardest core white nationalists and incel snowflakes.


See my post upthread about hanging out in the Breitbart comments section.

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Karl Rove hates Trump, passionately. He’s one of the few right-wingers to stick to his guns in consistently speaking out against Trump.


I sure hope this doesn’t cause Hillary to run in 2020.


Yes, it’s a thing.

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The only benefit this poll has is it might convince some Republicans in congress to distance themselves from Trump, maybe even vote for impeachment proceedings. However, those Republicans will pay more attention to the polls in their districts, so a national poll will influence them less.


Let me get this straight: America elects a president so utterly repugnant, corrupt, and unqualified as to boggle the mind. His administration has been a nonstop shitshow from day one. The world is in equal parts horror and mirth over what is happening, and he has alienated just about EVERY world leader except for Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Assad. He has just last week been implicated by his accomplice Cohen during his trial. And we are supposed to celebrate the fact that his job approval is still at 35%?

Holy SHIT but we are so insanely, irrevocably, eternally doomed!


Oh, I can explain that readily enough.

Immigration to the United States across the southern border has dropped continuously since President Trump’s election, many foreign-born residents have fled and are fleeing, and despite massively increased enforcement of existing laws ICE is having difficulty keeping the numbers of apprehensions rising, because of the decreasing numbers of immigrants available to apprehend.

For a significant portion of the hundreds of thousands of Americans worried about automation of jobs and downward wage pressure, this seems like a good thing, it’s what Bill Clinton promised them in the 1990s and what Bush fils promised them in 2006. Fewer players in the bottom of the job markets. They didn’t get to vote for Sanders, so they voted for Trump, who had the next best pitch aimed at their issues.

(Obviously, this is also a good thing for racists, nativists and rabid nationalists. And a bad thing for people like me, since I value the diversity immigration brings, and there are brown people in my family, and I’m an open borders type anyway. But all that’s entirely beside the point.)

There’s more; President Trump’s bromance with Vladimir Putin has allayed fears that the Clinton/Putin feud, which started over Kosovo, will end in nuclear war. (It doesn’t matter if you and I believe this fear was unfounded, obviously, the fear was real.) His childish chest-thumping towards North Korea seems to have been at exactly the intellectual level necessary to reach Korean leadership. I could go on, but you can just visit any of the thousands of pro-trump sites and see lists of exactly why certain demographics support him.

They have valid reasons, just as liberals had valid reasons for supporting Bill Clinton and Barack Obama even when those men were committing atrocities.

Of course, if someone addressed these issues without racism, sexism and virulent nativism, people would have an alternative to voting for Trump in the next election. Don’t hold your breath.

I think that’s beyond “pet theory” and now into “incontrovertibly true.”

Except that I’d specify that it’s the performative cruelty they’re into - so I think it ultimately doesn’t matter if he’s one of “Those People.” It might upset some followers, but they’d forgive him, as who he is and what he believes are beside the point, so long as he appoints bigots, pushes policies that hurt gays and put brown children in cages (because American Christian Conservatism is as much about racism as it is religious bigotry), etc.

Two words: performative cruelty.

That his cruelty is performed without competence is beside the point - they’re just happy he’s doing it.

Yeah, it’s shocking. That’s about the kind of support Hitler got in Germany. We Americans like to think we’re so different from pre-war Germany, but we’re not.

Sadly, even that won’t happen - Trump is very popular with Republicans. (The party has shed those who found him repugnant.) So to repudiate Trump is to alienate their base. Appealing to those outside the party hasn’t been the Republican strategy for a while now - gerrymandering and voter suppression are the substitutes for having the actual support of the majority of their constituents.


How do you know it’s rock bottom?


I disliked Trump before it was cool!


Like, if he suddenly becomes a homosexual POC? I bet that’s right.