Trump's budget eliminates Arts and Humanities Endowments, privatizes public broadcasting

Keep in mind, the Trump administration will be proposing a budget. Which will be sent to congress. The House has the power of the purse and is the deliberative body that actually enacts an annual budget. They are the dicks who will, in the end, actually do this if it comes to pass. In proposing these kinds of cuts, Trump will be giving them cover to do things they’ve wanted (more importantly things their donors have wanted) to do for many years. But he will be more of an enabler than a “doer”. Especially since his proposed budget cuts seem to be taken entirely from a preexisting hard right insiders’ wish list.

I expect this will come to pass, along with elimination of NREL and other clean energy components of the DoE. However, it will have been a group effort, enacted by a committed cadre of snotty, smirking ideologues in Congress who worked hand-in-hand with Trump’s hard right appointees.

It’s really fucking funny how devoted they are to killing every old fashioned little feel-good program the Feds ever gave us. They want to return us to a Gilded Age power balance, or worse. A Gilded Age minus the Homestead Act is what they’re aiming for.


I was thinking more of the rise of the Robber Barons, though my memories of that era in History class are kind of hazy. Was that the same time frame?

(Edited to add: Got off my lazy butt and Googled it. Wikipedia says yes, it’s the same era.)


Trump seems more like a fascist dictator in waiting to me. Just look at his nearly transparent skin when people criticize him.


I doubt Donald Trump has listened to NPR once in his entire adult life.

Although, this is tricky. Donald Trump has never had an adult life.


Repressive regime? Last I checked, government funding of arts is NOT an inalienable right.

Well, if you don’t want to be compared to Hitler, it’s probably a good idea to stop acting like Hitler.

Although I feel Trump is more of a Mussolini.


Or John the Baptist???


No, and it’s a relatively new notion; the NEA has only been around since the 60s. But it’s a wonderful idea that I hope continues for a very long time. Here’s a quote from Glenn Seaborg about why arts and the humanities are so important for schools and culture: “We cannot afford to drift physically, morally, or esthetically in a world in which the current moves so rapidly perhaps toward an abyss. Science and technology are providing us with the means to travel swiftly. But what course do we take? This is the question that no computer can answer.”


Could be. From where I stand, Trump is clearly a fascist. So was Obama. And Bush 2, and Clinton, and Bush 1, and Reagan, and Carter. That’s as far back as I can remember.

On the other hand, being a libertarian teaches a great life lesson in how to get along with those of different beliefs. It would never occur to me to cut off all contact with people of opposing views, 'cos that’s damn near everybody.

No quarter asked, none given.

make every inch they want as bloody as possible for them. Based on Drumpf and his ilk, they can’t take someone standing up to them.


Cool it, anakin


He’ll be getting a visit from the secret service.


And you’ve a perfect right to that opinion.

Others think that tax credits for coal and oil extraction are wonderful ideas which should continue for a very long time.

Decisions, decisions…

If you haven’t been there already, I’d recommend you visit counterpunch. They also think everyone’s a fascist. You’d like infowars for the same reason.

I wouldn’t cut off contact with people of opposing views, either. If they lack so much perspective that they consider every President a fascist (or don’t understand that words like “fascist” mean things) then I learn not to take them seriously.

Yes, that’s what adults in the real world do: prioritise and make decisions. “Wahhh, all government is bad and all politicians are fascists so wipe it all away*” is a childish and short-sighted approach.

[* “except for laws that protect property, because my stuff and my money is the most important thing”]


Long before this grifter ran, the GOP was pushing their own version of bringing back the good old days. What most people didn’t understand was that they weren’t referring to 1956 but to 1896.


And don’t forget the NEH. Evil, evil, slimy bastards in the humanities! Clearly, we’ll stop having a national deficet once these liberal agendas are no longer getting $$$$! /s


The government funding of arts has always been here in the US.



The only people in government making more money than these humanities nerds are the climate scientists (who also get funding from China to perpetuate the hoax). Sad!