Trump's ghoul Miller gets super screamy on MSNBC

Oh, FFS. This is why you don’t platform Nazis like this. He’s willing to say the craziest shit he knows isn’t true, and he’ll not get meaningfully fact-checked by the sputtering, impotent host - and even if he were fact-checked, he’ll still have succeeded in controlling the narrative and getting his insane accusations aired on MSNBC.

Plus, fact-checking, even if done effectively (i.e. not like it was done here), completely fails to even address the strategy employed by people like Miller. MSNBC has brought him on to discuss a topic, but that’s not why he’s there - he’s there to get his set of lies aired. His whole presence on the show is disingenuous, and he’s willing to shamelessly throw out insane accusations and talking points that have nothing to do with the subject at hand, so even if the host does fact check him, that still necessarily means that Miller has successfully hijacked the conversation, and now they’re talking about what he wanted.


Is that like being tRump’s ghoul-friend?

I kid, tRump doesn’t have friends, all his relationships are transactional.


Melber has handled several Trumpists handily. Peter Navarro several times.


Yeah! He got peter “what’d i do? what’d i do?!” navarro to give away the entire illegal AF game on national television.

Now that was a successful coup on Mr Melber’s part.

He shoulda known that stephen miller, Jewish nazi was going to radically misbehave instead of acting like a human. He and his crew shoulda been better prepared to handle that evil POS.


ARI MELBER: You sound tonight more outraged about what you allege is that double standard. And I giving you time to explain it.

Why though? Why are you giving him time to explain it, Ari? What is to be gained by giving this ghoul oxygen? What has he done to earn this trust from you?


Did Steven Miller sharpen his canine teeth? Holy cow he looks like a vampire.


Bizarro Sam Seaborn


Count Orlok Vampire GIF


They should take a page from sports statistics/journalism and have, on the screen, stats like overall dishonest vs. honest statements, on both a lifetime career, as well as during each interview.


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