Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/02/trumps-goons-also-gassed-and.html
Lots of good campaign commercials right here.
When you get on the wrong side of the Episcopalians, you done fucked up.
He actually said “I am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters” while the riot cops were attacking peaceful protesters on his orders.
Anyone who has ever been an ally of Trump knows it’s a horrible, horrible thing. Honestly, he’s treating the protesters like any other “ally” who he feels has crossed him.
And the Amish! We should be keeping a list of the otherwise-unaffiliated that he has made “affiliated.” I suspect it would be long.
Unfucking believable, this guy.
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To take a blasphemous photo in front of St. John’s Episcopalian Church
Excerpt from from Rev. Budde’s statement:>
After speaking so harshly and with militaristic overtones to the nation, he had the park of peaceful protesters cleared with tear gas and officers in riot gear to make a symbolic gesture, holding a Bible as if to spiritually condone a message and a posture that is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything as a church we stand for
Very fucking believable. If you can’t believe it, some history study might be in order.
I’m no ammosexual prepper ranting at “the gub’mint”, but this really makes me contemplate some pitchforks and torches. No need to waste perfectly good tar and feathers. And you can burn the rail used to hie him out of town, to get rid of the nasty orange grease remaining.
What a Very Fine Person!
My aunt observed that all the photos of him holding the Bible look like he doesn’t know what to do with it, like when you hand a baby to someone who never held a baby before.
I am not a religious person. But this country was explicitly founded with religion having nothing to do with government. The interplay between the two these days is by itself worrying.
All that said, who the fuck gasses a minister? What fucking country are we living in?
Wowowow. I can’t wait for someone to post his pic on FB. I am going to light them up soooo fucking hard. The real Christians chased off by the devil in shepherds clothing.
It’s a book. It is exactly like handing a baby to someone who has never held a baby.
“This is blasphemy in real time” feels like a description of pretty much everything Trump does.
These kinds of people?
Troops loyal to the Trump regime is a bit of a meme.
People are beginning to use that "imagine if we reported {rich capitalist countries} like we do all the others when discussing US rogue state regime actions on the people it is ruling.