Trump's grip on independent voters plunges 8 points

Originally published at: Trump's grip on independent voters plunges 8 points - Boing Boing


If the media was honest, this would be a Reagan vs Mondale run.

One guy is a serial grifter, whose presidency made us the laughingstock of the world, led directly to the death of millions due to COVID, has been convicted of 34 crimes and sexual assault, and has multiple court cases open due to abuses of power during his presidency. A quarter of his appointees are either in jail or have pled guilty and three-quarters are outright speaking against him. And this doesn’t even get into his lack of any policy statements outside of vengeance, his open confusion about who he’s running against, his blatant racism and sexism, and direct alignment with groups whose defined goal is to reduce freedom in “the Land of the Free”.

His supporters cult members who drape themselves in his clothing (ick) will be among the first to suffer should he regain power, yet they are so overwhelmingly selfish and ignorant that they would cheer as they suffered, expecting some “others” would also suffer.

I sincerely hope we get a D win in both the Presidency, but also in the House and hopefully Senate. Destroy the filibuster and get actual change made into law.


In Reagan’s day more people were amenable to being persuaded to change their votes. Today it’s much more calcified to the point where it’s hard to imagine a Reagan-like election sweep. Both sides are just working around the edges for whatever stray votes they can still influence. Luckily those people don’t seem especially interested in what Cult 45 is selling.


For weeks now I’ve heard Republican pundits repeat these same points ad nauseum:

  • Harris sucks because she won’t give any interviews to the press
    • As opposed to Trump’s interviews are that incoherent word salad at best
  • Harris sucks because she doesn’t have any policy positions
    • As opposed to Trump’s policy positions of “drill drill drill”, “deport brown people”, and “I’m angry”
  • Harris sucks because inflation
    • As opposed to Trump fucking up COVID response so badly it destroyed the economy, never mind much of the inflation today is artificial corporate greed
  • Harris sucks because she failed to fix immigration
    • As opposed to Trump who did little to fix immigration during his time in office even when R’s had control of the House, Senate, and White House. Trump also torpedoed legisliation that would have fixed several aspects of immigration.
  • Harris sucks because everything Biden did they don’t like is her fault
    • Conveniently, the VP is suddenly Super Important when they want to tie her to things they don’t like. Otherwise it’s a joke.
  • Harris sucks because she’ll tax everybody into oblivion
    • As opposed to Trump adding trillions to the defecit with his tax cuts for rich people?
  • Harris sucks because the Afghanistan withdrawl was bad
    • Never mind she wasn’t president, or that Trump negotiated the withdrawl, or that Trump was trying to get the Taliban to come to Camp David on 9/11.
  • Harris sucks because her campaign is based on vibes rather than policy
    • As opposed to hate, anger, and rage?
  • Harris sucks because she’s a California liberal
    • As opposed to a Florida facist?
  • Harris sucks because she has changed some positions from 6 years ago
    • As opposed to Trump who flip flops on a national abortion ban on a daily basis? He’s never had a coherent policy position on anything other than whatever suits the moment.

Every damn day.

I’m glad polls seem to show that all these Concerns from the pundits are largely meaningless to most people.


As always, no complacency. Fight and vote as though the fascists are winning.

But Trump is still favored by men and white non-college graduates.

His base: ignorant losers who rely on having dicks and low melanin to receive a semblance of power and respect.


Yes, please. And make Speaker Johnson and Moscow Mitch watch.


That’s exactly what he is planning; he has repeatedly said he ‘didn’t need the votes’, even when confronted with declining poll numbers.
Granted, he never admits defeat, but he also has scores of cultists & opportunists in positions to commit fuckery on Election Day & beyond.

They will be going all in; for them, it’s either power or prison.


If, god willing, he loses the election and fails to seize power, he likely plans to continue his gritty traveling grievance road show, to keep milking his faithful, while not having to worry about running for president.


Oh, he might plan to do that, but he still has multiple trials in the works.
He may well be sleeping in court, instead.

He’s gonna do that anyway.
I’m surprised he hasn’t started a church.

I find amusement in the fact that he is currently a convicted felon who is out on bail, and may yet piss off a judge.
A few month’s rest in Riker’s would do him a world of good.


…and has been within the normal range all of 2024.


These 3 are particularly ironic. As Trump’s few policies with any details will all increase inflation and add more taxes to everyone.


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