Trump's presidential hires and advisors own a hell of a lot of fake news sites

He backed off on that “promise” right away. He said that someone made him realize that it would make it easier to sue him. I’m calling “shenanigans” on that. Steve Bannon got into his ear and told him that the right wing propaganda machine was dead if he went through on reforms designed to make the media easier to sue for libel.


Got that straight. I don’t think that we are the only ones either. The effectiveness of using the internet and fake/biased/misinformation news stories is realized and obvious now. I feel that it would be naive to think that this doesn’t spread everywhere across the globe…or at least into the places not already infected with it.

People like to have their beliefs reinforced rather than challenged. They like to be members of “tribes.” Critical thinking is a skill that must be practiced, believing what one wants to believe comes naturally.

New evolutions in media forms always present new opportunities for propaganda. It seems to me that people don’t really react to it until it has been manifestly displayed to have such disastrous, apparent and widespread consequences that even those whose pride is attached to defending the propaganda can no longer do so. It would certainly be nice to get ahead of the curve on it. I hope someone who has legitimate ideas on how is in a place where they can institute their ideas.

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the comments on the story are both amazing and scary.

Nice to see BoingBoing linking to The Intercept. They are one of the few online publications with fully-intact integrity after the election. Washington Post not so much.

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