Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/30/trumps-sons-high-school-nicknames-were-stank-and-choad.html
I hope that the next time SNL rolls these characters out that they refer to them as “Stank” and “Choad”.
I worked with some guys from India. They would often call each other “Mother Choad” meaning Mother F$*#er.
It’s an honest to god actual dilemma as to which one has the more punchable face. They’re both going to look great in orange prison outifts though.
Eric looks like a choad and one of a few mouth breathers who went to my HS.
This is more information that I didn’t need. It would be better to let them fade into insignificance without ever mentioning them again.
What an honour to be in the ranks with the long list of nicknames his father has accrued over the years.
Their nicknames are possibly the least offensive thing about them.
Not Beavis and Butt-head?
Was Don Jr. auditioning for the part of Lord Farquaad or something?
Looking forward to Contemplating the president Choad era.
You know how when you’re a kid, you’d sometimes try to show kindness to the schlubby bullying-magnet type of kid, but then in some cases you just end up thinking “man, I can see why people are compelled to bully you”, and then you resent them for making you feel that?
These Turmp sons are the only people I can think of who make me experience that as an adult.
As someone who was bullied, I didn’t deserve that shit, even if I was ugly and awkward. No one does. The problem is always with the bully, not the person being bullied.
You were likely neither.
Some people are just broken assholes looking to punch down.
They look like the two second tier bullies who back up the main bully in every film about a private school.