Trump's Sunday rant scrubbed from Twitter

Good luck with that…

Answer: A massive inheritance, excellent training in criminality/lying and rampant psychopathy.

that 78 day stretch between the election and leaving office is going to be the most frightening period in American history.


It’s going to get violent.

I’m pretty sure Dear Leader would NEVER have the word “Democratic” in the title of his country. It would remind him too much of Nancy Pelosi.

I can’t be bothered to scroll the whole topic, has anyone yet made loud noises about Twitter being scrubbed with chlorine-containing disinfectant would be a good thing?

German-speaking twats (twitterati? Tweeps? Lost track…) often described stunts like done by that president by asking “Der hat wohl Lack gesoffen.” when I still read Twitter.
They also often suggest using bleach to scrub mentions when trolls jumped on and tried to engage.

I wonder if that would just work with twitter’s servers. Just scrub it.

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Did they delete them sarcastically?

(Trump tries to explain away his stupid statements as “sarcasm” so often, I’m half expecting it to become a ironic synonym for “stupid.” E.g. “Wow, that guy decided to check if the wire was live by touching it with his bare hands. Such sarcasm!”)


This has certainly been hashed out many times before, but I thought it was illegal for the president to delete anything at all. Wouldn’t tweets count?

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When in doubt: Sue. Has this man ever actually won any suits though? He just keeps on SLAPP’ing.

Maybe he meant this Noble Committee

Nobless oblige, ‘n’ all that


He’s a lame duck the day after election day, win or lose. Even if he were to win, he then has 4 years without an election coming up. Whatever the results, starting November 4th, expect the commuted sentences, pardons, presidential orders, etc to start flying. Expect blanket pardons for himself, his family, half the republican party, and a bunch of people we can’t even figure out the convoluted connection to him and why he owes them or wants a future favor from them. Retroactive pardons, proactive pardons, pardons attempting to forgive all past, present and future crimes.
Then there is my half suspicion that his incoherence may be at least partly an act, setting up evidence for a claim of incompetence for a future trial he knows is coming.


Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved…


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