Originally published at: Trumpworld entertainer Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway dead at 51 | Boing Boing
That’s one less opportunistic grifter who made all Black people look bad, just by mere association via skin tone:
Another Trumpist dead of (allegedly) Covid? Poetic justice if working overtime on that crew!
I will just go with my “default eulogy for unpleasant people” here:
In her brief life Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway doubtlessly exhibited several positive qualities. Sadly she passed on before the world had a chance to find out what any of them were.
Nothing good to say about her. But I’m a bit surprised, I just assumed that all the public figures pushing anti-vax, were all closeted vaccinated.
How about a more neutral toned “Thoughts and prayers to her friends and family.”
This deliberately says nothing about the contents of those thoughts and prayers.
Uprising: Who the Hell Said You Can’t Ditch and Switch? — The Awakening of Diamond and Silk
Look, pick one title, and stick with it.
If I were a better person, I wouldn’t revel in her passing (or relishing the poetic justice), but I am not.
Instead I will raise a small glass
I’m gonna be honest here; I don’t intend to spend any more time thinking about her than I have to from here on out and I’m sure not going to pray for her family.
I had ramen for lunch.
“There is of course a fundraiser, which was announced with Hardaway’s death.”
Always be grifting; always.
Covid deniers dying off? There’s one clear answer as to why: a big conspiracy that’s bumping off truth-tellers, obviously! Or they were all secretly vaccinated and the vaccine finally did them in. One of the two. Can’t possibly be… the other thing.
It feels more than a bit unfair that the ones surviving are also terrible hypocrites…
There’s cynical grifters who are fully vaccinated while screaming about it and/or claiming otherwise, and there are true believers - and you literally can’t tell the difference. And of course being vaccinated doesn’t guarantee you won’t catch COVID or even get a severe case, it just reduces the chances.
“Entertainer” is a great catch-all name for someone who contributes nothing valuable to the world yet somehow commands an audience.
see also: Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, et al.