Tucker Carlson finally gets his big break with new show on Russian state TV: "Tucker. Rossiya 24"

War isn’t the only criterion. “Adhering to their enemies or giving them aid and comfort” is as well. While Tucker might not fit that bill, there are many people who we’ve discussed in this space who do. Manafort and Bannon both come to mind.


And the proper way to deal with them is to charge them with the appropriate crime and send them to jail. Which, in one of those cases, was done. And then Trump pardoned him. Still…revoking citizenship and sending them to Russia is not the appropriate response, which is my point.


And I agree with your point. I’m only pointing out that a state of war is a red herring when it comes to questions of treason.

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Liked, for the Clue! reference.


It’s definitely not a red herring. Legally, treason requires giving aid and comfort to the “enemy”. A state of war, declared or not, would definitely render a country an enemy. It’s not the only thing than can put a country or organization in that category, but it’s definitely relevant. I suspect if you asked President Biden or Secretary Blinken if Russia was an enemy right now, they would say no, if you could manage to get them to commit to an answer.


So Carlson spouting off pro-Putin bullshit, while abhorrent, is not treason.

The original article never mentions treason.
You’re making a straw man argument there.

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No, I’m not. I was talking about the people earlier in this comment thread wanting to throw Carlson out of the country and revoke his citizenship.

Look, here’s my point on all of this. Every time something like this happens, people start calling for expulsions, and revocation of citizenship, and prosecutions for treason, and registrations as foreign agents, and on and on and on, and it’s all bullshit, and I’m sick of it. Fuck Tucker Carlson, but he gets to say horrible things. We shouldn’t let him say those things unchallenged. We should protest and shout him down and everything else, but the government can’t, and shouldn’t, do anything about it unless he crosses the line into actual treason and/or espionage, which he’s nowhere close to doing.

Ok, y’all are exhausting me. I was trying to make a simple point, but I’ve had my say and I’m done with this topic. Have a nice day.


Plenty of respondents here on BB did, though.


i am with you on all of this. i am as disgusted with carlson as everyone else here commenting. i appreciate your approach, in that calling for revocation of citizenship and expulsion (exile?) is over-the-top hyperbolic and, yes, it echoes the vitriol of those who would disrupt and destroy a pluralistic, diverse and (at some level) equal democracy. i, too, am sick and tired of “just leave!” being bandied about as if I somehow do not belong (in florida, in texas, in arizona, in the US) because i want for and actively try for a less angry place around me. i am told repeatedly on other, less moderated social media sites, that just voting Democratic party i am a treasonous traitor and should be “sent away”. you are correct. when we sink to that level, we become what we oppose (and i use “we” in a broad sense - not meaning this very commentariat, nor any specific one of “us”).

tucker carlson is a vile person spreading horrible lies. as much as i would like to think that he is treasonous, up until he renounces his own citizenship, the federal government can not send him into exile without further proof he is acting to aid putin in undermining the constitution and US government as a whole.



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Was the French tv broadcast they got that from making the joke, or did they fall for it, too?


The French reporter seems to be stating it as fact (I can hear “Hamas”, “Telegram”, “agent” and “Mossad”), but he also seems to be looking down at a a screen and reading something, perhaps for the first time. Without the original clip, including what was said before and after, I can’t tell.


I fantasize going back in time to tell this kid posing with Jerry Garcia that one day he will be a mouthpiece for Russia with his own TV show on Russian state-run TV. “No way dude! You’re high!”



Liking a countercultural artists like the Dead is not guarantee of having progressive values. He was probably always a right wing shithead… :woman_shrugging: He’s defending his race, gender, and class after all…


Nor did I say it did.

I can vouch for the fact that he was a well-known asshole in college too, at least among the crowd I ran with.

But I bet it would still blow his teenage mind to know where he was headed in 30 years [ETA: specifically because he was a right-wing asshole back then, and the USSR still existed.]


Lord Haw-Haw lives on!