Tucker Carlson finally gets his big break with new show on Russian state TV: "Tucker. Rossiya 24"

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/21/tucker-carlson-finally-gets-his-big-break-with-new-show-on-russian-state-tv-tucker-rossiya-24.html


Christ, what an asshole.


Revoke his citizenship and put him on a hauler to a Russian port.


Hauler? Give him a rowboat and a map.


Tucker, I’ll help you pack your bags.

Angry Family GIF by South Park


How has not been forced to register with the US Govt as a foreign agent of Russia?


What a true patriotic “American” and Russian asshat.


In short, there’s no indication that Carlson is actually working with the Russians on this. It seems like they just like his pro-Putin rhetoric, and so are just rebroadcasting his YouTube content. It’s essentially a licensing agreement.

Also, we aren’t at war with Russia. Our ally is, and we are sending them weapons, but we are not at war with Russia. So Carlson spouting off pro-Putin bullshit, while abhorrent, is not treason. Carlson is also not an elected official. For now, and in the future as long as we avoid electing Trump again, we still have free speech in this country. Carlson can say what he wants. And we can point out how awful it is. But the government doesn’t get to silence him, and we can’t revoke his citizenship over it. Jesus fucking Christ, people. You’re all sounding like Trump. Knock that shit off.


The article doesn’t sound like he’s getting compensated in anything other than “exposure.”


And even a licensing agreement assumes the Russians are in fact paying him something for this.


Yeah, it’s possible this is entirely without his involvement or permission. That’s not clear to me from any of the articles I’ve read.


That’s a pretty thin string these days. The last time the US formally declared war was in the 1940s. I don’t think it is viable to use that excuse as a legal line for treason.

The Rosenbergs were executed for treason in the 50s for spying for the Soviet Union when there was no formal declaration of war or even direct conflict.

ETA: and to be clear, I’m not saying Tucker qualifies for treason charges. I’m just commenting on the old trope of “the Constitution says treason can only be charges when someone levies war against the United States” which flatly isn’t true.


Lots of people die from exposure in Russia.


Good point; though not always with an official declaration, the US has been in “military conflicts” more than it has ever been at “peace.”

Out of a total of 248 years, we have had less than 25 years that were ‘conflict free.’


Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


I’m well aware of the US fighting wars without declaring them. We still aren’t at war with Russia. A proxy war is not the same as an active, fighting war where we send troops. I’m also well aware of the Rosenbergs. I’ve heard no accusations of Carlson engaging in espionage. He’s an asshole. I hate the guy and everything he stands for. But calls to revoke his citizenship and send him to Russia are just ridiculous, and it’s a tactic of the people we’re opposing. “If you hate this country so much, leave!” We don’t beat the fuckers by becoming these fuckers.


There are no good actors in this entire story; Russian gov chicanery sucks, Carlson is an opportunistic bigoted asshole, and the US gov/military sucks.

I agree that his citizenship isn’t the issue here.


Is that Laibach -Rossiya video some kind of music? I can’t tell the CC doesn’t work.

Rossiya / Россия just means Russia (the country) to most people. It’s a 24/7 news channel on VGTRK (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company). It’s structured as a state entity, not surprising given the name. At least they’re honest about who makes the propaganda.

Carlson’s fanbase whines incessently about PBS and NPR being socialist, communist, state-owned tool of the radical left. (none of these are true). But when the opportunity to join an actual state-owned media organization arises they’re all on board.

Not that pointing out hypocrisy does much to dissuade the craven like Mr. Carlson. But I still enjoy the sport of it. In an unfulfilling sort of catch-and-release way.

Yes. Laibach is a Slovenian martial industrial band that’s been around since 1980… it’s from their album Volk which are songs inspired by nationalism/anthems.

More examples…


I dispute this description. He was not and is not ‘too toxic’ for Rupert Murdoch. He was dumped because his toxic lies cost Fox News and Rupert Murdoch almost a billion dollars in liability.

No cost, no dump - they liked his evil toxic nonsense just fine, they just didn’t like how much it cost them.