Topic closed until someone can come clean up the mess @tenexe left.
Every time I see something about Tucker Carlson I get him confused with Tucker Max. Not sure who gets the worse deal there.
I wonder where Tucker Carlson is spending his time these days. At home? Out and about?
Insane Cokehead Bent On Harming As Many People As Possible Downplays COVID Dangers
“Fox News” should be required to change their logo to “Fox Fiction” any time one of these talking heads are on. Maybe their “news” is fair and balanced but 90% of their programming is outright BS meant to fill time and enrage their viewership. On the other hand it’s kind of schadenfreudian to see them sending their viewership to their sickbeds.
I believe the Gunnison mayor ceded all executive power for the duration to a physician who had some expertise in pandemic response and gasp no expertise in “saving the economy”. I also heard about an informal study that showed, the more extreme the response measures in 1917-1918, the more rapid the economic recovery was in the aftermath. We’re well and truly blowing this as a nation right now.
Ain’t that a shame
There is no scientific, nor moral, justification for Tucker Carlson still having a job.
…quite a few people currently in politics or journalism…
I think this is a preview of the talking points people like him will be using as we continue to increase testing over the next few months. We seem to be learning that the asymptomatic rate on this thing is super high, which will numerically decrease the death rate a lot. That’s easy to spin into “it wasn’t that bad, we overreacted”. Of course, that’s the opposite of a rational reaction to learning of a high carrier rate (which is terrifying for something with the comorbidities COVID clearly has), but that won’t matter.
Yep, this is the front line of that view. And they’ll consistently ignore and downplay the increased deaths (beyond what is normal for the period) that are most likely covid related but not being counted as covid because testing wasn’t performed.
There’s no scientific justification for letting trust-fund babies with Resting Stupid Face spew dangerous propaganda to the same vulnerable population for whom COVID is so deadly. And yet, here we are.
56,000 deaths so far.
- We have exceeded the American death toll of our wars, terrorist incidents and mass murders for the last 20 years.
- We exceeded the American death toll of the Korean conflict in 3 years
- We are approaching the American death toll in the Vietnam conflict after 14 years.
However, Tucker Carlson and if-they’re-talkin’-they’re-lyin’-Faux News are just as deadly as we always thought.
He might also consider medical school, then an internship, then, ya know, actually practicing medicine or some shit like that. Instead of, ya know, a degree in history.
Carlson’s puppet master, Rupert Murdoch should come out of his crypt and appear in public crowds to show us the unthreatening nature of this virus.
at the very least! These two are a clear and present danger to this country. Having the direct line to the “leader” of the United States.I believe it begs the question: who is pulling their strings?
Is it Murdoch, himself? Corporate advertisers? Moscow Mitch? The remaining Koch bro?
That these two absolute public menaces hold the [impeached and manifestly unfit] president’s attention is certainly worth an investigatory glance, no?