Is he saying the disease got less deadly over time? I mean, in my state cases were doubling every couple of days, then every 4-5 days, then every week, now less than every 2 weeks. Deaths also increased rapidly and are now increasing at a lower rate. All while everyone was staying home as much as possible. But TC is suggesting perhaps that our behavior had nothing to do with it, so it must be that the disease changed? Do these people even pause to think about what they’re going to say for even one second to see if it makes ANY sense?
There are over one million confirmed COVID-19 cases in America since the first case was confirmed 13 weeks ago. By the time the end of April arrives there will be over 59,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths in the United States over a 2 month period (Feb. 29 - Apr. 30). This is in spite of infection control measures that have largely shut down human activity around the world. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity should shut their traps, especially since neither of them have infection control, pandemic training or experience.
Edit: There are now 60,495 deaths in the US as of midday April 29th. I guess I was being optimistic on survival rates.
I hear Gunnison avoided the 1918 influenza by locking down the entire town for four months. No word on whether they had an Applebee’s, or if anybody’s roots were imperiled.
This is the equivalent of falsely shouting “fire” in a theater, and Schenck v. United States is very clear that not all speech is protected under the First Amendment. The families of every victim of COVID from here on should sue Fox “News” into oblivion.