Turd transplant leads to rapid weight-gain and obesity

That would have been true at birth, but food and medicines (especially antibiotics) can change that balance.

Shouldn’t y’all pinch the whole thing off?


Thought: a sausage stuffer would make a perfect DIY transplant device – it is already designed to be hooked up to an intestine to deliver a homogenized slurry.


8.5 years ago I had a cyst appear on my thyroid. When removed, I got a S. Aureus infection (which put me in the hospital for 10 days). They treated that with antibiotics which allowed C. Difficile to proliferate. After treating that with antibiotics my digestion has never been the same. I became much more flatulent, my relatively mild lactose intolerance got much more severe, and I gained a lot of weight (up to 305lbs., now I’m back down to 230). Clearly these things have a lot of impact.


I don’t think anyone here is denying the potential positives or negatives behind the science, but since a very young age everyone is taught that poop is one of the grossest/dirtiest/ things ever. So the thought of voluntary inserting someone else’s bowel movement (potentially a complete stranger) into ones own body has a lifetime of negative connotations attached to it.

She managed to maintain a BMI of 26 with a gastrointestinal infection so she was eating enough to be overweight despite her illness. I doubt her obesity can be attributed to gut flora instead of her behavior.

You should see how us British variants spell oesophagus.

Gee, I’d love to see that sometime!

“British Variants” is my new English Invasion cover band.


So, so true.

While many people may not know overweight people who eat well (and little) and exercise regularly, almost everyone will know the opposite - the skinny person who eats vast amounts of garbage and never exercises and yet remains skinny (yet unhealthy). For some reason most people ignore the evidence of the latter and just assume that obesity or overweight is a moral failing with a simple solution.


i resemble the latter, and im still not buying it from the former. you spend enough time watching people trundle through Wal-Mart with a rascal full of two liter’s and snack cakes and that argument deflates pretty goddamn fast. is “put down the cheeseburger” a cure all? never. do diet and physical activity play equal roles in obesity along with genetics and physiological make-up? you bet. im not trying to fully invalidate the points you make, but given the correlation between diet and gut biomes, and the relationship between physical activity and metabolic function, i refuse to attribute obesity with bad luck.

but then again you may not live in America.

a) #notallfatties
b) Why all the fat-hate? They are people, too.


because unlike any other target of bigotry, obesity is preventable, treatable, and has very real detrimental effects on individuals and communities. its also something i have first hand experience dealing with. to use @Raoul’s example, i am very much the latter case, while my brother has spent much of his life oscillating over the the line of large/obese. while he has always been big, his weight began reaching dangerous levels around highschool. to the surprise of no one he lost about 150lbs simply by cutting soda and “super sized” food from his diet. recently he’s gained about 50 of those pounds back by resuming his liter or two a day habit. seeing as how heart disease is a common killer in my family, i’m less than supportive of this.

i just cant in good conscience support our culture of misplaced personal responsibility and obscene consumption. i fully believe the science put forth by @Raoul and @Shuck, but daily life at the grocery store just dosn’t corroborate it.

so you’re right #notallfatties. but im still #notaboutthatbass. i dont care if its diet, put down the goddamn caffeinated sugar water. /rant

Can’t you just ignore them and coexist in quiet peace?

i do everyday. i consider myself a patriot. so while i disagree with your choice to poison your body, i will defend to the death your right to do it.

but seriously, im not coming from a place of hate or condescension. i just have a personal stake in the game.

I would have to see a picture of her when she was ill to know if she was really overweight.

I am one of those people who BMI really doesn’t work for, you have to subtract 6 from it to get anything like an accurate reading. It’s slightly annoying when you are being told you have to lose weight because your BMI is 30, but ten years ago my BMI was 21 and I looked emaciated.



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Usually we just call them deviants.

Medically untrue in some cases. [edited: originally said “untrue in all cases” – essentially a double-negative. Mea culpa.]

It’s our tax-dollars that go to ensure that those sugarcorn-syrup waters are so cheap. You want to talk personal responsibility, demand that your taxes make healthy food inexpensive, instead of subsidizing corn. But perhaps you’re already doing that.


I hesitate to engage, but let’s assume good faith on both sides.

I do live in the US - although at its cultural and physical edge in NYC.

Perhaps I wasn’t clear in my original post. The point I was making is that while there are some (many?) people who exist on junk food and zero exercise, some are fat and some are not. While it’s harder to determine, there are also people who exercise hard and eat well and are also heavy, while others get ripped. The whole “move more, eat less” applies in some cases, but does not achieve weight loss goals for everyone.

I do believe that the people who “stop eating 3 pizzas and 4 liters of coke a day” are those who achieve massive weight loss in a short time - but they are skinny people overcoming their natural metabolism through ingestion of huge amounts of crap. Coincidentally, these are always the types selected to appear on extreme weight loss shows (when combined with good hair and attractive facial bone structure).

There are some of us who work out 5-6 times a week and eat 1500 calories of healthy food a day and remain, according to their doctor, 30 pounds “overweight”. People like you might judge me for my metabolic oddity, but that’s ok because I know I’m most likely healthier than you and my doctor.