Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/04/turning-lymph-nodes-into-livers.html
David Cronenberg’s mind is leaking out into the real world again.
(Yes, this is a complete sentence. Rock on.)
This is absolutely amazing. If this ends up being a viable way to save people whose livers are failing, they deserve the Nobel Prize for medicine.
Anything in the works for making lymph nodes from… anything, really?
I know some people who really could use some.
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My first thought was, “That doesn’t sound appetizing.”; but then I realized this is a medical, rather than culinary, breakthrough.
The scientific article is stellar, lots of data and methods confirming the conclusion. An additional benefit for the method that the patient does not need immunosuppressant since it’s own liver cells are used.
I’ll take two! (wonders if a liver growing in my underarm will affect my love life)
This was my biggest question. Having a liver growing in your armpit or neck or groin sounds … inconvenient.
Considering that’s how some replacement surgery works today, that’d be far better than no liver, I’d think.
where do i sign on for human trials?
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