"Twitchy" inmate Elizabeth Holmes spends visitation with husband and parents crying


If you try to reform people to be better, how will they come back. The whole prison system needs a steady supply of inmates. They need “return customer.” If you think about the whole thing as retails, it makes perfect sense about things observed.
Why do they want to discourage or educate the incarcerated people to reduce reoffenders when their whole profit model depend on it?

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Totally, and she’s already been afforded more process than most people get because she could afford it. It’s a bifurcated system and she managed to get jailed playing on the lenient side of the field.


I could be wrong, but I don’t think she’s going to find her moral compass in prison. It is lost for good. However, her sentence might possibly deter a few other CEO-level fraudsters.

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Almost no one finds their moral compass in American prisons. That’s not what they’ve been designed to do. They are designed for retribution, whether warranted or not (and it this case mostly warranted).

And as for it deterring other CEOs? I think the type of people who do this sort of thing expect they will get away with it and will just tell themselves they’re smarter than she was.


I think the “no physical contact” rule tends to be in place so that visitors can’t use the opportunity to pass contraband to the inmates.


Jean Harlow Lol GIF by Maudit


All them Texas Aggies looking around all these paparazzi wandering around town like :confused: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

She is kinda right. She isn’t in prison for risking the health or death of her medical customers but for defrauding her rich investors.


… as in, the richer the person one steals from, the more prison time one does?


… if so there would be no exceptions at the beginning and the end of the visit

I can see they don’t want people rutting on the tables, but holding hands seems harmless



Sounds like something the “screws” and inmates would say about a certain inmate. Very 1950’s noirish.


Understandable. In these sorts of situations I imagine what it would feel like being the victim or the victim’s family then develop my preference for proper punishment from there… then I sleep on it, then sleep on it some more since my usual initial standard for proper punishment involves a very special guillotine where the blade enters in through the top of the head then exits out the crotch. So, for me, sleeping brings everything into balance… sometimes.

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Oh boo fucking hoo. She looks like she’s at a summer camp she can never leave, not the torment nexus a POC gets sent to for 40 years for possessing a couple weed seeds.


No, as in 11 years is a long time to incarcerate someone and she’s done some really shitty things that had real and potential health consequences for people.

The rich people’s money stuff I don’t so much care about, except that it is a big part of why she is actually facing consequences while others will get away with them because their crimes only hurt poor people.


Wealthy investors weren’t the only ones who were harmed.

(excerpt) Gould’s bad results are the first real-world example of how Theranos’ tests affected patients. So far we’ve heard from employees about bad labs and inaccurate results — but we haven’t seen ordinary people whose lives have been affected by them.

Gould is among the patients that the government will call to testify against Holmes, who is facing 10 counts of wire fraud and two of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. But it’s hard to know exactly how many patients received bad results. Though there was a company database of millions of results, it was encrypted and the government didn’t get the password to it; the original version of the database has been destroyed.


This whole scene makes me sad.

Fuck prison. Fuck greedy liers who play victim too.

What a $&|¥ show. Be good kids and stay out of prison, ok?

I can clear that up for you– have you ever been forcibly confined for any reason? Such as a mental health hold, or even COVID lockdown which gave many people a small taste of it?

It is punishment enough for any crime. Anything beyond that, as far as negative treatment of prisoners goes, is cruel.


But as pointed out above she’s in prison solely for stealing from rich people. So if some hedge fund gets absolutely rinsed my couldn’t give a fuck level couldn’t be more complete.