Twitter users hunt down Seattle Nazi and knock him out

You already got the response your post called for.

I might add:

I can’t even count the number of persons I know who deem it’s a punchable offence to wear a Nazi Armband in public. Many more would rather call the police than punch themselves, but not for the lack of wanting.

And I spent a great part of my life in Germany.

Just FYI, some Nazis are currently headed for German parliament. For the first time since 1945, there will be a openly radical right wing party represented in the Bundestag. They won’t wear armbands, and they are testing out how far they can go with their rethorics. Most Germans agree punching them is not an answer. But in the next four years, it will become difficult not to want them punched, I predict. Some of them will be punched. The punchers will be prosecuted. Also, Germany has laws against hate speech, and parliamentary procedures against speech which is not deemed acceptable (but also not illegal) in parliament, so the Nazis will be prosecuted and called to order as well.

I advise you, as a European, to keep an eye on Germany.

Never again is a promise.