Twitter users hunt down Seattle Nazi and knock him out

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Guy went in DEEP to uncover details, member lists, the where and how of thei rmeetings… and the FBA did nothing. So hey give the job to Superman.

I could point at captain america’s secret empire trying to teach that nobody should be given ultimate power lest that uncorruptable paragon of virtue you thought you handed it to turns out to be a literal nazi scumbag.

However I really didn’t like the writing of secret empire and much of it was everyone else bumbling around rather than showing how we set aside our diffrences to do productive thins. That and it depends on a deus ex machina to deal with the problem (even if many of the consiquences still stand.)

Plus the times are diffrent so… I dunno.

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Peacetime antifa, basically. That is most of what they do.


How about they track down that Mad Pooper?

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Woof, they are one of those morans I have seen so often. They even claim to be an ethnic Jew when they converted in 2008 as evidence they know “real” Nazism. They grew up devoted to the baptist church and were forced out for being gay.


They are also transgendered and not very clear on a preference, so I’m editing this to reflect that.


Actually, I take it back. He is an asshole that repeatedly uses his sexuality and gender as a shield to attack the left without reproach. Going as far as to be an MRA that feels that genderfuidity isn’t real because that would mean women wouldn’t need their special protections.

So he says he is an HIV+ gays trans individual that is Jewish solely to advocate HIV registration, claim the GOP is pro LGBT rights (and saying the left is against them and even implies the left promotes pedophilia), claim trans people cannot chose their gender or even preferred pronouns, and that Nazis should be in everyone’s utopian society because he is an ethnic Jew (he is not). I have no proof to say they are a fraud, but boy does it quack like a duck.




Check his publication history:

Professional apologist for evil.


Sort of, all three of those books were published this year. Most are a trashy title on a poetry book, though I doubt his commentary gets much better than this.

I read a brief sampling of their articles and found them standard right wing fare from gay authors, where they make a lot of claims with almost no support and the articles age poorly (they are one of several with an article titled “Trump won’t take your rights away”). They are just more concerned with their fundamentalist religious beliefs than anything else.


Perhaps not. But avoiding becoming a person who romanticises violence and thinks himself above the law just might be.

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Honestly, I’d much rather the fuckwad nazi scum rag gets his ass kicked by someone actually witnessing him do his bullshit. In the moment. Rather than a mob run him down.

I honestly don’t think that recording him and putting it online would have occurred to me. I think I’d have started yelling back at him and made a scene on that bus, if he were harassing people.


You know what fixed the nazi problem last time?

Killing nearly all of them with guns and bombs.

It actually worked really well.

If these nazis are militarizing (and they seem to be, seeing as they’re killing a lot of people) we ought to return the favor and at least retaliate if we have any intention of surviving. Fascism doesn’t just go away. That’s never happened. It has always needed to be violently driven out.


Fair argument, but I’d say the word you are looking for is alleged.



Not just your friendly neighbourhood nazi out for a stroll.


I didn’t read the post that way, how about, “Boing Boing inciting a discussion about the validity of this kind of violence?” A discussion with ~ 100 replies at the point you made this comment - kind of (my favorite part of) what BoingBoing does.

I think the wiseness (I know, sagacity, or something) of “calling the cops to sort it out.” has already been addressed in this thread.

On point; I agree with the posters here saying that this kind of internet vigilantism is dangerous due to the possibility of misidentification/misinformation/just plain mob mentality fuct-up-ism.

I do think if someone (more violently minded and probably way better at violence than me) had stood up and called this dude out on the spot, forcing him to back down or engage in ‘mutual combat’ to defend his views (he seemed to be spoiling for a fight) had shamed him into STFUing, or laid him out like this would have been sweet and justified.

I just really don’t believe mob justice (I’m not expressing this properly - something to to with not being there at the time/disassociation with event) is a solution to this.

There is a time for punching nazis, and maybe for the people actually involved this was one, I guess I just don’t think it’s right to run up and sucker punch someone because of something you saw online.