Two examples of excellence from Japan

I dont see how mounting loudspeakers on minivans in order to do the war crimes equivalent of a toddler who wet the bed sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling “I diddnt do it” over and over isnt the epitome of rude childishness if nothing else.

You dont speak/understand or read Japanese do you?

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Nope but I was traveling w locals who were happy to translate and furthermore it’s entirely irellevent to the argument at hand. if you trying to suggest there’s some fine point of cultural subtlety to yelling at people through megaphones that I failed to grasp, thats not v convincing

Actually it is pretty relevant. You’ve made false claims based on information that went through someone else’s simplified translation (either on your trip or reading just little bit of English stuff on the web) but are unable to understand the the actual situation for yourself.

Things here are more complex than you may understand both in the present and in the past. Snap judgements of other cultures are never helpful.


I second the Junji Ito love… if love’s the word for it. He’s written some of the most disturbing things, and does it well. Uzumaki is a favorite. It’s the story of a town “cursed by the spiral.” The different ways spirals send its residents twisting toward their doom is ingenious, and horrifying.

And then, there’s nothing finer than the original Ninja Warrior. It’s one of the few things I miss from cable.


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