If a general election is off the table, might be the least worst option
This right here. Truss’s failing from a Tory perspective was not that she had bad policy, but instead that she was bad at implementing said policy. The goal is to boil the frog of the underclasses gradually enough that they do not rise up, but she did not get the memo and turned the heat to 10 upon her installment. Her replacement will presumably return to the prior setting of 6.
Have you ever tried buying a new sofa? It’s a perfect metaphor for our government. Inasmuch as it’s easier and more effective to pull one out of a skip.
Of course she did, just think of what the previous occupant might have done on a sofa during lockdown. Even pulling one out of a skip would be less risky.
Nothing Larry could have done would be worse.
Which nation? Russia?
If by “underclasses” you mean people earning less than £50k/year, there’s no need to bother; you can shovel those people directly into a vat of molten lead, and somehow it will manage to not be a problem.
If you want to milk people in the income range of, say, newspaper columnists, then that is a more delicate task. But not that delicate, and Tories have been doing it since the poor-people teat was mashed dry some time ago. You’d have to be a real Tory F-list dipshit to get caught milking that sort of voter.
Speaking of, here’s a video that’s worth making time for (just ignore the Aaron Bastani parts):
Any more information on this? I can only find one from May this year?
Fair bit of detail here.
Thanks! My google-fu failed me…
Scotland saves the day.
I really hope they get to vote on independence soon! I’d love to visit an independent Scotland in the future!
Chucky 3: “Back again so soon, oh dear…”
If we get a Vespasian, I’m cool. But I am not betting on it.