U.S. Navy tests a new laser weapon system [VIDEO]

I personally do, in fact, wish to be uncouth, after my own fashion. But I find doing so very difficult. The shame is too much.

I wish, by contrast, that my country would never behave in an uncouth manner, and here I have been repeatedly ashamed of my country’s behavior since … well, certainly Watergate was the tipping point, although I remember being four years old in 1965, looking the pictures in a newspaper (either the Star or the Tribune; I think they were still published as separate papers in those days), and asking my parents what the little explosion symbols on the map of Southeast Asia were for.

As for any military abiding treaty obligations … who was it said “Trust, but verify”? Not the “Genghis Khan with a Telephone” guy – the other one, the American.


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I do wonder what would happen if enemy aircraft were constructed with shiny surfaces, so they reflect as much light as possible.

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And people are stupid


“Fisheye? Yeah, listen, we got some guys over here who need to listen to Reason.”

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“Gentlemen, with this new weapon we can now change the channel ON MARS!”


Ask this guy. Seems it wouldn’t matter.

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But not as stupid, usually.

Clarification: War is a racket, and people are too stupid to understand or care.

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Isn’t that the rather repetitive and hypnotic lyric to an Enya song?

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Good to know the military-industrial complex is still making massive public expenditures for private profit during a global pandemic

Why is the video red?

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The LASER operates in the IR band, invisible to the eye. So, it must be being viewed by a FLIR of some kind. Some microbolometer-type FLIRs have red displays. The old TOW missile sight I used back in the day had a FLIR like that. There is also a high optical density filter in place which may contribute.


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