Not really. It’s been understood the numbers were artificially low, because testing isn’t being done. It’s still almost certainly an undercount. There will be arguments with him over the number of ventilators, his desire to re-open by Easter, and within a week, people will look back at when “we first hit 80k” and realize they were being naive in thinking only around 80k Americans were carrying the virus. There is a clinical principle of “If you don’t look for it, you’ll never see it.”
But, apparently, there is a big fence there (the biggliest) stopping people escaping in to the safety of Mexico. It must have been put there by Obama!
Finally, Trump will get Mexico to pay for that fence. Vindicated!
Damn near flat.
Now take THAT Donald !
I hope that herd immunity thing works out for him.
So slow on the uptake but set to improve markedly here in Ontario.
@anon27007144 A few days ago I feel like deaths were just around 400 in the US, and now they’ve flown past 1000.
(log-)Growth rate in infections (23%/day) and deaths (25%/day) in the U.S. puts it on track with Italy as of about three weeks prior, adjusted for population size (CSSE stats as of yesterday). That’s headed for about 25,000 deaths/week in three weeks time, if the same pattern holds.
(Edit: add a plot, CSSE/Johns Hopkins data. Pop’n Italy taken as 60m, U.S.A. 330m)
@Dioptase1 Korea didn’t test their way out. They took decisive action to stop people from spreading it and people have been rigorous in following rules.
Absolutely right, I’ll raise one caveat. South Korea did have a bit of luck on their side: the bulk of initial cases were within a readily traced group. Anywhere else, I’d say, needs to behave as if they are not as lucky.
Some people have cited a WSJ article this week by two epidemiologists as reason to consider reducing measures. Their point is actually made in quite a reserved way, and I’m not seeing evidence in the stats yet to interpret the article as a reason to relax measures.
Hmm…could Boris be inveigled to make a state visit to the White House?
He has definitely pulled aside Stephen Miller in the last 24 hours and asked if nuking the hotspots from orbit would hurt his poll numbers.
An apparent geographic correlation between mobility (evidenced by possession of passport and income) and covid rates:
Coronavirus Case records for each U.S. canton``
And it has proven, with adverse abundance, how inclined older adults are to the affliction of the virus. accessible health officers accept linked at the least deaths to the lifestyles care nursing facility in Kirkland, ablution. The instances has additionally tracked outbreaks at different nursing and senior living facilities in Washington accompaniment, Colorado, Florida and Louisiana.
The intention of the tracking was to bring together a old checklist, with as lots detail about particular person patients as may also be received, of the largest public fitness crisis in contemporary American background. via collecting the records perpetually, and from assorted tiers of govt, The instances has been able to map the spread of the virus, with up-to-date information published a number of instances a day.
Are we talking number testing positive or dead?
Testing positive - April, 13th
Dead - April, 26th
Someone on the same page saying China CCP have no interest in lying about death toll, but later talking about the little impact of China cover up have not so much interest.
Either there is a cover up, or not.
When he also claim he knows about China and the people are canceling their phone line as they are stuck at home; a phenomena no one observed outside China, raised even more doubt about who is working for.
As the only way to get out is to use a mandatory CCP APP linked to your mobile phone; it make again no sens to cancel it.
Maybe he also have an explanation why a single mortuary in Wuhan have ordered and received more than 5,000 urns as the total death rate in the entire city is officially 2.535 only
Urns are reportedly being distributed at a rate of 500 a day at the mortuary until the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, which falls on April 4 this year.
Wuhan has seven other mortuaries. If they are all sticking to the same schedule, this adds up to more than 40,000 urns being distributed in the city over the next 10 days.
But yes, keep chating with him make sens…
And the English version
In your FACE China! USA! USA! USA!!!
A city the size of Wuhan, without any pandemic deaths, will have ~500 deaths a day. If funeral services and/or urn shipments were delayed for weeks because of the quarantine, a need of over ten thousand extra would be expected. No conspiracy theories required
I will say there is probably indirect deaths that are not recorded as pandemic deaths. For example there is probably a spike in all sorts of mortality due to hospitals being full up dealing with coronavirus. It’s hard to estimate these sorts of things.
Fortunately, you will point out the various events spelling out our immemint doom.
So it is the American Virus, now, I suppose.
You’re not doomed.