U.S. reinstates death penalty, AG William Barr orders execution of 5 federal inmates

holy bleep, this country is not going to be recoignizable if 2020 change doesn’t happen, imagine RBG replaced with an alt-right and women lose the right to control their bodies, Barr will then forcefully enforce that with staged mass arrests

and 1/3rd of the country will still just sit on their hands while the other third applauds

More barbarism. Not very surprising.

A large part of the US population seems to think that having a gun is the epitome of freedom.

Guess who can’t bear arms. Dead people. What use is the 2nd amendment when the state can walk over the most important human right willy-nilly? Most democratic countries think it’s a very bad idea to allow a state to kill its own citizens and have banned the death penalty.


But the second amendment protects the most important human right. /s

Better dead than disarmed, amiright?

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JMHO: I think he’s twisted enough to believe that he can get away with anything. That, and $$$$$ + entrenched corruption = stay-out-of-jail.

By that time and at that moment in time his audience will want something more. The first time around they were clear with their chants of “lock her up”. Locking up one or more of the opposition after “winning” would really go a long way toward getting that dictator merit badge.

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It may also be intended to create GOP fodder for 2020. The left will point out the cruelty of execution and the plethora of proven innocents sent to prison, and the right will counter with their typical crap about the left being soft on (read: liking) murderers.




I don’t place any stock in political pledges, but I think all Dem candidates should nonetheless go on record and clearly state whether or not they would pardon Trump. And be asked again and again, if necessary, up to election day.


You’re thinking too small, the real money is in selling episodes to Netflix.


They’ll probably have an auction to sell the murder rights to a billionaire serial killer.


I don’t have a problem with the death penalty in theory. For example, I have no problems putting someone like Timothy McVeigh to death. But I do have a problem with it in practice, because too often we get it wrong and too often it is used as a bargaining chip to get confessions.


Exactly. No problems here if the justice system was extremely fair, but we know it isn’t.

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"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends. "

J. R. R. Tolkien


A statue of this with a fountain attachment would be the appropriate memorial to the Trump administration. A swivel in the neck allows it to slowly shake it’s head whenever there’s a breeze.


What’s wrong with having them public?

Obvious /S for the over zealous.


Your statue calls for a swivel, I vote instead for a spring arrangement… y’know like a giant bobble head.

I think it’s mostly too much trouble and ought to be held in place only for people like McVeigh, etc. But I’m going to have a hard time getting outraged about these five folks – are any of them contesting their convictions on Actual Innocence?

“The five federal inmates ordered to be executed are Daniel Lewis Lee for murdering a family of three, including an 8-year-old girl; Lezmond Mitchell for murdering a 63-year-old and her 9-year-old granddaughter; Wesley Ira Purkey for raping and murdering a 16-year-old girl; Alfred Bourgeois for torturing and killing his own 2-year-old daughter; Dustin Lee Honken, for shooting and killing five people, including two young girls.”

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Including 2/5 POC. Higher than the ratio in the general population of the US, but lower than the ratio in prison. Not great, but I was frankly expecting 5/5, given it’s Barr.


He’ll willingly leave. Just don’t expect him to sit silently on the sidelines like previous Presidents. He’ll be on every station every day offering criticism of … well, everything.


The Europeans must just be facepalming themselves into a coma.