U.S. reinstates death penalty, AG William Barr orders execution of 5 federal inmates


hey now. we don’t have any soviet gulags. not one. heck, there aren’t even any soviets. so really, the soviet gulag population is now zero percent. totally zero.




I really don’t approve of the death penalty.

Especially with lethal injections involved.

It makes organ harvesting after death so difficult.

  • XĂ­ JĂŹnpĂ­ng

There is no death penalty in Russia, we just make people ‘disappear’ permanently.

  • Vladimir Putin

We don’t need the death penalty, we have death squads for that.

  • Most of everywhere south of the Rio Grande


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The White House could very well become the modern day Winter Palace circa 1917

Except there won’t be any winter soon.

A frigid response to a fiery call to mobilize, comrade!

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Look, I totally accept that the death penalty (as most criminal penalties) are unfairly applied by race. But these five guys – far as I can tell – really did what they are accused of doing. Maybe it’s smart by Trump to have these guys go first… but I’m going to lose no sleep over these guys going first.

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Yeah. Kinda missed the point on this one, I guess.
Continuous flurries of death and mayhem settle like a blanket on the country as a cold wind has taken root in the nation’s capitol. An icy response to the world’s disgust at the prospect of renewed condemnations of the least of us, as suddenly they don’t deserve that with which they were naturally endowed - a life. Sliding out of control it became at some point a vehicle of a winter track of ice and now a drugged and possibly tortuous demise.


Your eloquence rings True. Change is going to come from taking the guillotine to the streets. But don’t take it from a slacktivist like me.

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They’ve been already been sentenced, so yeah I see where you’re coming from, but they’re not only going to die because of the things they did, they’re also going to be killed as a distraction. That is horrifying to think about.


Given the timing of this serves as distraction as well as a show of power, and the way that the US president equates attacks on his actions as attacks on America and how he sells nostalgia for an idealized past, I think some the ideas discussed in this podcast are handy to keep in mind.
Foucault, Discipline and punishment.

Edit: Added a sentence for clarity.


This is just one step in many to prepare the people for the establishment of the New Authoritarian Order.

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As mentioned we are well past step one. This is about “Making America White Again”.


A couple of years ago, it came up as a ballot question in California. “Should we abolish the death penalty?” I voted to abolish it, disturbed that it was even still a thing.

But even more disturbed when I read the results. The proposition failed with 47% in support of abolition and 53% against. That’s not even particularly close. And that’s in California!

If you oppose the death penalty at all, for reasons of morality, religion, fairness, monetary or merely virtue signaling, you still need you oppose it for these guys. The DoJ chose these guys first because they’re guilty as hell, and they’re particularly heinous crimes. But if you’re okay with these guys, you’re ok with the death penalty, and we’re just quibbling over were to draw the line.

To oppose the death penalty means opposing the death penalty for any crime, not just those that aren’t notorious.

There was a great article that’s impossible to find now because every result is the new resumption of executions, but it argued that Dylann Roof, the Charleston church shooter, was the perfect candidate with which to oppose the death penalty. I’d argue these guys count too.

Don’t not cry for them dying, cry for killing done in our names.


Totally. The crimes are heinous. But there have been many Death Row inmates who have confessed to the crime they were accused of, who were exonerated later by physical evidence or witness testimony. Fundamentally, that’s what is wrong with capital punishment; there’s no undo button when there’s an oopsies.


I read “Discipline and Punish” as an undergrad in the mid-80’s and it was one of the first books that dramatically changed my perspective on power and institutional punishment. On the other hand I still hate the obfuscationialism (!) of his writing style.


Cruelty is the point when you’re a Republican. If you can’t make a non-white weep and beg and grovel before you put one into his head there’s just no point in being a Conservative America-Firster.


Who says he will leave office? And when he does President Ivanka Trump will pardon him.

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Among democracies, I think Japan is the most keen on executions