UFO visible only through shard of glass

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/19/ufo-visible-only-through-shard-of-glass.html


Nuke, Blender and Microsoft paint?


If we do ever have a real alien encounter, a bunch of people will think it’s faked. What’s worse is that somebody will also deep fake edits to the original footage, so people won’t readily know which version was real. A whole generation of children will grow up thinking the aliens looked like SpongeBob and only learn a decade later in college that they learned the wrong history because of pranksters.


I must admit, it was pretty spooky. If fake, they did a good job until the end when it flew off.




Static object: Infinitely interesting
Moving object: meh

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erased the flying saucer whenever the special piece of UFO-detecting glass was held in front of the camera

I guess you mean 'erased the saucer when the glass was not in front of the camera! Because I can clearly see it with the glass.

You can tell by the pixels that it’s faked, though! The UFO is clearly there all the time and they just cloned over some of the cloud texture when removing the ‘magical glass’ . Sheesh. it’s too obvious.


What’s with the saucer jazz anyhow? So 1950s.

Now, if he’d shot something like:

Credit, where credit is due. It’s called Prometheus, and was designed by the amazing HR Giger.


Today I learned that “Я в ШОКЕ!!!” means “I’m in shock!” in Russian.


Leave the poor aliens alone. They were just picking up their order of trophies and award certificates. Maybe a commemorative matryoshka for little Xkl’pzl!

(Store front translation: Printing / Souvenirs / Awards)

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You read this as WOKE, didn’t you?


They Live!


IIRC, to translate reformed Egyptian you also need to read the text out of a hat.

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Amusing. I think there are a few tech-savvy people on BB who can spot a fake from a mile away. I have some footage from people I interviewed that I can’t fully explain.

That youtube channel is full of videos where he’s doing something with shards of glass. I don’t know what he’s doing, and don’t really care enough to try to figure it out.


I can think of many unknown and unknowable objects only visible through glass like the bottom of a bottle or tumbler. No big surprise.

The motion tracking on this is excellent, and I like how he doesn’t notice it moving away the last time it’s seen.

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Source: Youtube clip clip posted on 2015 03 15 by user Evan from the movie They Live 1988 based on Ray Nelson’s 1963 short story Eight O’Clock in the Morning ( text of or SFFaudio podcast of )

Edit to add sources and context

I expected this to be the first thing posted to this thread. Then again, I put the glasses on.


I thought I saw some instability in the motion tracking, specifically in the 2nd part where he’s closer to it. But I’d have to go frame by frame and/or stabilize the shot to be sure and I’m not sure interested, mostly because making this video would be child’s play for anyone with very minor experience with, for example, Blender.

I think what unconsciously sells it for a lot of people is the focus problems, I think they were probably added afterward.

The youtube channel “Captain Disillusion” is good for this kind of stuff, he demonstrates how to create videos like these, fake viral videos, etc, often making a better version of the video in the process.

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It’s always funny to me how nonchalant people who “see UFOs” are about it in these videos. They’ll show a towering mountain of a UFO emerging menacingly from stormy clouds to cover an entire city and say nothing, do nothing, just casually film it for 15 seconds or so.