“Body is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive” - Fine then. I’ll use this space to thank @jsroberts for teaching me that amazing word - backpfeifengesicht. Amazing. Filed right alongside schadenfreude and fingerspitzengefühl. I’m starting to really like German.
Yup, depressingly. These are the same people who will say, “You’ve got nothing to fear if you’ve nothing to hide”. I can only attribute this to apathy, forgetfulness, ignorance or all of the above.
And the sad thing is, that’s kind of why we have governments in the first place. If all we were going to do was pander to popular demand, without any intelligent debate and social-level action plan, then we could just vote on everything and do away with the bureaucrats. But we bring them in specifically for this purpose, to make difficult and sometimes unpopular decision that benefit society as a whole. It’s enough to make me shake my fist.
He also had two variations on that:
“Sie können mir es mir doch nicht zum Vorwurf machen daß ich heute klüger bin als gestern!”
You can’t possibly berate me for being smarter today than I was yesterday!"
When being reminded of an opinion he had voiced earlier:
“Ich weiß nicht recht, ob ich da noch meiner Meinung bin.”
“I’m not quite sure whether I’m still of my opinion.”