UK Labour Party elects its first left-wing leader in more than 20 years

Shutting down Trident and using the budget, highly skilled work force and the facilities at Faslane to produce and maintain wind and tide energy generation would get my vote. :wink:


Yea, sounds like a pretty good program overall.

Switching to a presidential system is a horrid idea, however. Whether you keep your figurehead monarch or not. Parliamentary systems are superior. The division between legislature and administration just leads to gridlock and an opportunity for the voters to express their biases by believing that everything bad is because of the part of the government that wasn’t controlled by their party at that time. The ‘separation of powers’ idea is attractive, but I think it turns out that over the long run you really want your elected government to be able to enact its policies so people find out if they are actually good or bad (or if they were just bluffing and don’t enact them).

And ‘up with coal’
 I mean
 that’s Sarah Palin there. I suppose it is anti-Thatcher in the UK or something.


The Parliamentary Party’s choice
 If only they hadn’t let the Party Members vote
 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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You missed the best possible response


A presidential system doesn’t mean an American system, there are countries which have presidents who are mostly symbolic, Ireland for example. It’s a terrible idea to even entertain politically though, as most English people, inexplicably, seem to love the queen, even most Scots who wanted independence wanted to keep the queen!

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It’s not a policy I would support, personally.

British republicans are waiting until she dies. King Charles III is already an unpopular idea.


I’d vote for Barney.

And now Cameron & Co. have gone and labelled Labour a security threat. What an asshat.


“I’m not spineless. I have one hanging off a hook at home.”?

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Cameron never ceases to amaze me. He really isn’t quite right. It’s extraordinary the gullibility people exhibit towards the media constructed narrative about party leaders. Cameron would have been the village idiot in the recent past. In ancient Rome or somewhere like that I can see him being kept as a human pet.

Yet it will be Corbyn who will be splashed all across their media as crazy.

Also: the UK doesn’t actually have nuclear weapons. They have a launch system for US nukes. They are useless to them. No guarantee the US would allow them to use them if they wanted to.


I don’t understand why we can’t just keep the parliamentary system and get rid of the monarch without becoming a republic. It’s not like they have any real political power.

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To be fair, Mugabe hadn’t gone completely insane at that point, had he? It was only after Clare Short (and I say this as a socialist and an admirer of Short) cut UK funding for Zimbabwean land reform that he got thuggish.

But I’ve got a better one for you:



Even many monarchists are hoping the crown passes to the agreeably thick William, rather than his opinionated dad. I am not a monarchist but I quite like Charles, because he at least says what he thinks (and actually thinks, unlike Phil the Greek), even when he’s chuntering about homeopathy or whatever. I usually don’t agree with him, but you know where you stand at least.


It is arguable that they did


The difference being that Cameron’s ‘I won’t touch the NHS, greenest government ever’ promises have come to worse than nothing, and his own pro-Europe stance is being torn from under him by UKIP and the swivel-eyed Euroskeptic wing of his own party.


SDLP to the left of Sinn FĂ©in? Hmmm

FIne, if you accept that Labour being a right-wing party is not an anomaly. They would have still had to move left to secure Scotland - the centre ground we are talking about is that between Labour and the Conservatives. It’s a bit like the difference between true North and magnetic North.


Are you kidding? The Republicans have fielded a total pack of bloody jokers, and Sanders’ policies, relatively unique as they are, are backed by 70% of the electorate. Don’t make the mistake of getting any clues about his chances from the mainstream media; all they’ve got for Sanders is bullshit pooh-poohing in favour of their fringe favourites. Clinton is Sanders’ only threat, and she’s going down fast.


Came here to say precisely this. I’m slightly surprised at Cory’s swallowing of the right-wing myth of Labour’s decimation when they lost only barely (and if Clegg hadn’t been such a knob, might have ‘won’) and then surged back (although not enough) this time around. Scotland was a massive problem, but to characterise either of these elections as ‘comprehensive losses’ or that they ‘endangered Labour’ is feeding into the right wing circlejerk of ‘Labour’s unelectability’ which they desperately hope will come true if they say it often enough.


I’m so happy right now. Finally there’s a point to voting again.