UK Political Thread, part the second


Excellent video. About three-quarters of the way through is a link I’d never seen before:

So thank you for that.

p.s. Our local MP is supposedly “Mark Lancaster”, but the link has him down as “John Mark Lancaster”.
What is it with these fucking Tories that they can’t even keep their name straight?
Referencing Anthony Boris deFuckpig Johnson.


The Tories have no chance of winning here, so I want to vote for someone who isn’t a TER. Unfortunately Annelise Dodds is a weathercock who hasn’t worked out that the middle ground is like the Somme, the Green Party seem to be in civil war over the issue (although it looks like we are winning) and the Lib Dems are awful for everything but trans rights.

I don’t know who I’ll vote for now.

Wasn’t that David Cameron’s middle name?


I understand it’s quite a common middle name in certain demographics.

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Yeah but on the plus side, this is still just ‘guidance’ - most teachers will ignore it, and the bigoted teachers will carry on as they always have.
I mean, I know we have the nickname of TERF Island, but honestly, I reckon there are fewer people who actually care about this than there are actually trans people. It’s just that, unfortunately, all the ones who are pretending to care about it are in the UK cabinet or the media.


A spokesperson for Ron Wyden, the Democratic chair of the Senate finance committee, told Politico: “It is Senator Wyden’s view that the United States and United Kingdom should not make announcements until a deal that benefits Americans is achievable.”

That’s (pretty harsh) diplomatic speak for “quit yapping, Rishi”


There is no plus side here to these constant attacks on the trans community.

that can change quickly. Don’t underestimate how quickly a minority of people can be thrown under the bus for the convenience of the majority.


Please don’t think I am somehow in favour of this? The “guidance” could have been a lot, lot worse (Liz Truss apparently thinks it should have denied the existence of trans people altogether, for instance) but even as it stands it is absurd.

And yes, I am also aware how things can change quickly, but it also changes in all directions. When even the Roman Catholic Church can concede that same sex marriage might be a real thing, that’s a very fast change. (Again, I recognise that this is not remotely comparable or even necessarily useful but as a datapoint I find it interesting.)
It is certainly true that a lot of people haven’t ever thought about it, and are therefore liable to be influenced by the media commentators that they read, and if those commentators talk about nothing else then there is clearly a real effect. But I do genuinely think that sometimes that obsession merely ends up making the writers look silly rather than actually changing the rest of us for the worse.

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I didn’t say that. I’m saying that this targeting of a minority can spin out of control, even in a country that seems “normal”… that’s precisely what happened in Germany in the 30s. The rest of antisemitism prior to the rise of the nazis was actually rather low, compared to other European countries. That turned quickly and to apocalyptic proportions, not just against Jewish people either, against all kinds of groups in the country considered “abnormal”. Any of that kind of language needs push back early and often, because you never know what’s coming down the pike. The depression gave people the space they needed to really popularize various kinds of bigotry. Given how unstable the global economy tends to be lately, that can happen again, pretty easily.

My point is that you address this issue and push back against bigots NOW before it takes over a mainstream faction. :woman_shrugging: No shrugging our shoulders, just because it’s a tiny minority being targeted by another, loud minority in the country (who just happen to be a major constituent part of the ruling party right now - just like at how the PM was recently cozying up to a fascist down in Italy).


This story just keeps on getting odder- Now it appears that she’s mounting a media campaign to make her look better? It isn’t working.

More context, if you need it:


(In passing, I see that several much more informed people than me have noted that much of this “guidance” contravenes the Equalities Act 2010, so if a school tried to follow all of it, they’d be getting themselves into actual real legal trouble. Again, this doesn’t diminish the fact that this government thought this guidance was a good idea in the first place, but it does tend to suggest that they were only trying for a good headline in the Mail tomorrow rather than a real attempt to shift things.)

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Once again, i feel the need to stress, that this can still have real world consequences. We were told, over and over again, that things like the right campaigning on abortion rights here in the states weren’t an actual thing to be concerned with and that they’d never really end abortion rights, because then they’d lose a campaign issue… Same with the first trans bathroom bans - we were told that they were just attention seeking bills that would never have any real impact on people, and they don’t really want to hurt trans kids… but now… well, just read Erin Reed’s newsletter (Erin in the Morning) about the avalanche of anti-trans laws being passed in Republican controlled states and the real world implications for people here. It never stays in the realm of headline seeking, unless it gets serious pushback from the general public. And so far, it doesn’t look like the conservatives are done leaning farther right, because they keep retaining power, despite their obvious incompetence.

This kind of thing can shift real quick. Hell, just look at what happened with Brexit, and how everyone was dismissing that as a real threat. :woman_shrugging:


Add another one to the list:


Leaked emails reveal that the tech giant Palantir has hired Topham Guerin to pay influencers to attack Good Law Project on social media – but the source of the money is to be kept ‘confidential’.



Terrorists on different sides have committed to peace and faced consequences. The British state has not.